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Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:24 am
by AnnaBanana
I was going to put this in my journal but decided to post it out here, too.

When looking over what I had eaten for the last few days I realized I had eaten hamburgers and FF (appropriately sized) for the last 3 meals. I kind of freaked at first. But then I started thinking and realized something. Any other diet I ever started it seemed like I felt awful the first week, especially with low carb, but really with all of them. I was hungry, I was shakey, and I was detoxing from something. Carbs, sugar, fat, high calories, etc., etc.

Then I realized, I am detoxing this week, too. I am detoxing my mind. I am detoxing the part that labels food as bad or good. That gives it WAY TOO MUCH power!!!!

This week all things in proper portions are okay to eat. It's hard to twist my mind around that. Now do I want to eat hamburgers and FF nonstop forever? No way. But for now I am letting go of the thought that HBs and FF are bad or you can only eat the meat and not the bread, or you can eat the bread but not the meat.

I suspect as I relax more into this and begin to realize that HBs and FFs will always be there and I CAN eat them, I won't want them so much. The stigma of it being "bad" will go away and thus some of the alure.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:26 am
by wosnes
Liberating, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:00 am
by MerryKat
This is the marvel of No S - Any food goes and you can enjoy it provided you don't have seconds and or sweets there is no guilt.

I have had weeks where due to circumstances every meal has been 'junk' food, but thanks to the rules of No S they have had few bad effects.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:44 pm
by Dawn
By Thursday my fantasies about George Clooney turn into fantasies about cheese cake and chocolate chip cookies (or maybe George serving them to me, mmmmm :lol: ). I find myself really anticipating a nice treat for my S days. But when I finally get what I have been jonesing for, it isn't nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. I think my sweet tooth is kinda going away. Not that I don't enjoy sweets still, but there is something undeniably different going on here. Although I am a serial dieter, I don't think I have ever been on a hard core plan for more than 3 months at a time. So the longer I do this the more I am learning about myself that I didn't know or didn't think was possible. I have not had a bad N this whole time - I wouldn't have thought it was possible. I find that drinking water actually does help to hold me over until the next meal - that never worked before. And I could go on and on. I think the connection between mind and body has been made!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:12 pm
by wosnes
Dawn wrote:I find myself really anticipating a nice treat for my S days. But when I finally get what I have been jonesing for, it isn't nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be.
Are you eating homemade or really good store bought stuff? I find that the average, run-of-the-mill stuff is completely unsatisfying, but homemade or really good store bought is far more satisfying.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:23 pm
by fkwan
I think my sweet tooth is kinda going away.
I had frozen raspberries on my cereal this morning. They were kind of tart. I thought momentarily about putting sugar on them but there wasn't any in the room. I mixed in a banana and lo and behold, the banana was sweet enough to cancel the raspberries' tartness.



Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:36 pm
by Amyliz
Dawn- I can relate to the sweets fantasy's. the past few weekends, i have been really excited to eat something sweet, and on friday i bought ice cream and a piece of gourmet rich cake.

i ate them on seperate occaisions, and they were both good ... but not the fantasy i expected. its actually really fantastic, and i'm starting to crave 'real' food more and more!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:27 pm
by Dawn
Wosnes - yes I am pre-planning only really special treats. Long gone are the days of eating stale cookies from a box, or the 1/2 eaten Pop Tart that one of the kids left behind.

The first time I noticed it I was eating coconut creme pie and I asked the family if they thought it was a little flat and they all thought it was great - even hubby the dessert snob. I thought maybe I was coming down with soemthing and my taste buds were off, but the same thing happed the next weekend with my favorite lemon bars. This weekend I am making cheese cake so we will see how that goes.