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So, what if you try a food you don't like?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:03 am
by JD4
Hi all. I'm coming to the end of my first week of No-Sing, it's going pretty well so far, and looking at past posts in this forum have already helped answer a lot of my questions. Here's a worry I came up with (hypothetical situation, hasn't actually happened yet) that I haven't come across an answer for yet:

On a No-S day, if one of your meals includes a food you've never had before (or prepared by someone new, etc.) and you discover you don't like it, how do you handle that without breaking the "no seconds" rule? Are your only options to either eat the food anyway or go hungry? Can you invoke virtual plating and serve yourself an equivalent amount of something else? Am I better off saving adventurousness for S days?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:47 am
by Sharky
i just discovered this diet today but am no stranger to diets for sure - but i think what i would do is exactly what you said - eat what you know on N-days because every meal counts and be adventurous on the S-days.

Just my two cents - julie
AND i plan to start this new way of eating and thinking tomorrow!! but will treat it as an N-day not an S-day - want to get a few N-days under my belt before i experience an S-day

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:50 am
by Rheba
I agree with you...stick with the tried and true on No S days and wait until your S days to try something new that you might not like. Don't tempt yourself. It is too easy to give in to temptations...the voice of experience here! :wink:

Re: So, what if you try a food you don't like?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:14 pm
by wosnes
JD4 wrote: Can you invoke virtual plating and serve yourself an equivalent amount of something else? Am I better off saving adventurousness for S days?
That's what I would do. Sometimes it's not even being adventurous -- sometimes a tried and true dish turns out awful.

The point of No-S isn't to limit your eating experiences, to not be adventurous.

Don't overthink it.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:36 pm
by AnnaBanana
I tried some different things on my first "N" days this week just to see if they would hold me for 5 hours until the next meal. I waited until then in case I didn't like it or it was just not substantial enough, didn't want to starve the rest of day. One B-fast I had just wasn't cutting it, but I had some leeway to try something else so I did okay.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:08 pm
by Mavilu
Well, if you don't like your meal and only eat a couple of bites before deciding so, you count those bites as two bites and serve yourself some other stuff.
If you don't like your meal, but finish it off anyway, for whatever reason (your mother in law made it??), then, even if you didn't like it, it will still be an eaten meal that will carry you to the next meal.

Re: So, what if you try a food you don't like?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:24 am
by CrazyCatLady
wosnes wrote:
That's what I would do. Sometimes it's not even being adventurous -- sometimes a tried and true dish turns out awful.

The point of No-S isn't to limit your eating experiences, to not be adventurous.

Don't overthink it.

I have to agree with Wosnes. Be gentle with ourselves, and don't quench our adventurous side! And it seems much better to choose another healthy meal rather than feel the need for a snack later if we miss a meal! Hopefully in time this will all come more naturally to us! LOL!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:08 pm
by chris2365
I've had this happen to me also, as well as the more common problem - my kids wanting what's on my plate! "Mom, can I have a bite? And another..."

I just finish what's left on my plate and if I'm still physically hungry, then I tell myself I can get a little more, but so far I haven't resorted to that.