What do you eat for meals? Do you eat out?

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What do you eat for meals? Do you eat out?

Post by pointsbandit » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:19 am

I'm curious.

I know I need to have a more regular schedule of eating meals if I'm going to be on this diet. This is my current schedule:

Wake up with the li'l one at 8:30 or so. I eat "breakfast" usually after she wakes up from her nap around 1PM. This can be anything from a granola bar, scrambled eggs, or sadly this morning it was a Sundae Cone. (Note: she eats regular meals, I don't.)

We eat dinner usually between 6:00 and 7:00.
Then, I usually snack all night until I go to bed.
Whee, who wants to point out all the bad habits there? ;)

I usually only have one "big" meal a day, the one I cook for my family (which also includes my parents). So I'm a little nervous about how my meals will work.

What I'm trying to say, is I'm worried about portions. I can be a BIG eater at meals, and I can also be a little eater. So I want to balance it out and I'm not sure where to draw the line. I also eat out a LOT I hate to say, how do you handle that?

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Post by rose » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:47 am

One of my N-day meals is bigger than the others too - for me that's lunch which I eat at the canteen at my workplace (they usually have enough variety that I can find something which is both reasonably healthy and enjoyable most days).
I have a standard plate of food and a dessert plate of cut-up fruit. If the hot plate is too full I leave some food on it (provided I am not too stressed out or distracted!) otherwise I get sleepy and possibly a stomach ache in the afternoon. After only a few weeks on No-S, your stomach gets smaller and going overboard at meals becomes uncomfortable.

For breakfast: a little muesli or bread (carbs), a piece of fruit, a little yogurt (proteins), herbal tea.
For supper: usually a smallish plate of microwaved veggies and fish or cold meats, with bread.
These two meals are smaller than lunch, but I find that the difference is decreasing as I get more experience under my belt.

Errrr I am rather lazy so I don't cook much as you can see :oops:

In your case I'd say that supper is your biggest meal? So it's a little strange that you need to snack afterwards - are you bored or stressed in the evenings? Anyway if you drop the snacks you will probably be hungrier in the morning and then you can have breakfast with your kid and demonstrate good eating habits to her :wink:
So how about breakfast when you wake up (you don't need to have hot greasy food if you don't feel like it! Fruit is both enjoyable and good for your health) and a light lunch at 1pm then supper at 6-7pm. Depending on how you feel after supper, you might want to go to bed earlier so you are not too tempted to snack . 8)

Anyway don't worry - dropping the snacks tends to make meals healthier and more balanced automatically, both in quality and quantity. It might not happen instantly though - you need to experiment in order to find what works for you. That's the NoS learning process.
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Re: What do you eat for meals? Do you eat out?

Post by NoelFigart » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:40 am

pointsbandit wrote:What I'm trying to say, is I'm worried about portions. I can be a BIG eater at meals, and I can also be a little eater. So I want to balance it out and I'm not sure where to draw the line. I also eat out a LOT I hate to say, how do you handle that?
If you confine your meals to a single normal-sized dinner plate you won't eat too much. You really won't, I'm serious.

When I first did No S, because I'm a dork and like to have measured data on every damn thing, I did actually run my diet through Fitday. Confining myself to the No S rules, I was eating almost exactly what I should for my height, age and activity level to lose weight gradually.

Yes, you could fill your plate with bacon drizzled with cheese and you'd be eating too much. But you won't. You'll eat the occasional less than ideally healthy meal, but because you're only getting three, you'll find yourself making them count.

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Post by Mavilu » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:19 pm

I like eating big meals, as well, but, if you keep it up for the first weeks and eat just one moderate portion, out of sheer willingness, after a while, a big plate or seconds simply don't feel so good to have any longer, trust me on that.
If you know what a big portion is, then you know what a moderate one is as well, so just stick to eating them until it is an habit.

I only cook one big meal a day, too, the rest of the time, I have either left overs (which I produce in purpose, many times) or sandwiches, PB&J, or meals made of a few little things:some veggies, an egg, a few dried fruits and nuts, or an apple with peanut butter and a tall glass of milk, a little salad with a piece of cheese and a chunk of bread, etc.

I'm lately trying to eat so I'm hungry not more, not less than about five hours after I ate, it's a bit of a proccess, but, I believe that's the way to go.

In any case, don't worry, you won't do everything right off the bat, just concentrate in doing your best and take it from there.

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:53 am

I like eating big meals, as well, but, if you keep it up for the first weeks and eat just one moderate portion, out of sheer willingness, after a while, a big plate or seconds simply don't feel so good to have any longer, trust me on that.


that is my experience exactly. It is kind of amazing,
www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Mavilu » Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:12 am

blueskighs wrote:
I like eating big meals, as well, but, if you keep it up for the first weeks and eat just one moderate portion, out of sheer willingness, after a while, a big plate or seconds simply don't feel so good to have any longer, trust me on that.


that is my experience exactly. It is kind of amazing,
I baked a maple syrup cake today and I was only able to eat half of what I usually have when eating cake.
If I wouldn't know better, I would be sad that my stomach doesn't have the same capacity any longer.
As it is, I find it to be pretty cool, actually.

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