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honestly - THANK GOD!!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:27 am
by Sharky
Just happy to find this incredibly simple new "diet" that makes so much sense from its simplicity it is as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders - will be a bummer though to continue to pay the 2K i owe to another diet plan but its par for the course i guess - maybe every time i pay that bill i will be reminded how silly those kind of diets are - although i lost weight i gained most of it back already - i got so tired of weighing in 3 times a week and then writing everything down and then having to talk to them every time i went - just to hear them ask me in a sickly sympathic rather pathetic way "How are you Julie??" as if to say - you pathetic fat girl - how are you doing!!! i want to eat like a "normal" person and exercise regularly even if its just walking every day and just quite putting so much darn emphasis on a diet!!!

So i am enthusiastic and so thrilled to have found this in "Woman's World" magazine because i am so ready to final drop the 40 extra pounds i have carried around for ever it seems - its time and I am ready.

Aloha - ahui hou - Julie

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:04 am
by lola628
You owe those people $2,000??? Is there anyway you can get out of it? You could tell them "Sorry, your plan clearly is not working for me, I'm not paying you the remaining balance." It's a violation of federal law for them to charge you for services not rendered. Just a thought, I have no idea what sort of contract you signed.

I'd love for the No S diet to shut down the entire dieting industry, including all of the zombie crap foods they manufacture. It's true, they make you obsess over everything to the point you stop enjoying your life. Get rid of them!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:03 pm
by NoelFigart
Julie, you probably can get out of that contract. I'd really encourage you not to waste your money.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:33 pm
by AnnaBanana
2K? WOW that is incredibly high. Hopefully you can get that money back, or at least part.

Welcome and congrats on finding a sane, livable way of living. I just finished week one and I am so happy.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:41 pm
by Sharky
Thanks all for the messages - what sucks is that LA Weightloss has you either pay up front - its actually about 600 to join their program for 18 months and then the 1400 i spent was on their food - mostly these bars called LA Lites - you eat two a day as snacks - they are pretty good actually - i bought a bunch at the beginning - like 100 boxes - supposed to last me the entire 18 months - their plan is about 6 months of dieting, 6 months of stabilization and 6 months of maintenance - anyway i didnt pay up front - i opened an account with Care Credit which is a healthcare credit card - i have thought about canceling before mainly because they closed the location i used to go to and the closest one is about 20 miles away so its been hard for me to go - i cant figure out how they can reimburse me - i guess they could pay off the credit card - i havent gone in weeks because its very difficult being far from my house.

ill look into it - thanks for the support - julie

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:55 pm
by Bumpkyns
I joined them a gazillion years ago, it didn't work for me, and I quit paying. They wrote a letter telling me not completing the program didn't relinquish me from the financial obligation. I said "oh yes it does, services not rendered, and I didn't get the help and support they promised" and refused to pay. Never heard from them again. Maybe I just got lucky. In your case, THEY moved, not you, and IMHO, voided your contract. But then, I'm no lawyer.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:07 pm
by Sharky
actually in the contract it states that i can break it if i move more than 25 miles away from the site - well in this case THEY moved 21.5 miles away from my house - we are in a small island - i think the mileage should be different - i think i am going to try at least - i was thinking that every time i pay them - $75 per month that i would just remember NOT to ever pay to diet again - but why should i punish myself - i am not rich!!

will keep you all posted - thanks for the comments - julie

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:58 pm
by swimfit
I too tried LA Weight Loss and forked out a bunch of money. Interstingly enought they went bankrupt here and are no longer around here! Taught me that I will NEVER pay for another weight loss program like that. Even borrowed money for it! How crazy is that??

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:25 pm
by jazzys mom
Maybe the remaining boxes of bars you have you could sell on ebay and recover SOME of the lost money anyway. Just a thought. I pray you can get out of that contract! Its sad to have to pay for something that you are not even getting any good out of

Jazzys Mom

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:26 pm
by Sharky
Thanks Swimfit and Jazzy's Mom - i appreciate the feedback - unfortunately i dont even have the boxes i bought - they give them to you as you need them HOWEVER if i cant get out of paying for them i will for sure take them all and sell them on ebay!!! I too borrowed the money i guess since its a credit card - i dont mind having the Care Credit credit card cause i can use it for health care - thinking about whitening my teeth! I am going to look into this tomorrow -i had given up on it but thanks to you all i am going to go for it and try to recover my money -

Thanks - have a terrific rest of your day - in Honolulu its about 1230pm only - trying to decide on what's for lunch for now - :D

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:36 pm
by jazzys mom
You mean you have to PAY for all the bars you buy but they don't give them to you??? Thats just not right! Even if you don't use the bars GO GET THEM! They are in possession of your property! Go get them and try to sell them!


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:56 am
by janiean1
Dear Sharky,

I would think since they closed their shop, and you have to drive 20 miles would be a very legitimate reason to get out of your contract. I would ask to speak to the manager, and then if that doesn't help, tell them you want to speak to the next one up in charge. I really think they will listen to you. You just really have to be the squeaky wheel in this case. Believe me, it's hard for me to be the squeaky wheel, but it doesn't hurt to try. Let them know you mean business, and you'll you keep going to the top!!

We are glad you are back, too! This is the nicest Bulletin Board I have ever run across. Just don't beat yourself up for spending money for other diet programs! Believe me, many of us have done the same exact thing!!

Janie :)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:26 pm
by tgp157
Welcome Sharky--I think you'll enjoy your new found freedom that comes with the NoS way of life. Glad to have you.