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Successful Tweaking

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:07 pm
by Dawn
The word tweaking has freaked me out from the beginning. But I needed to do something due to the fact that 11 weeks into this I hadn't lost anything - nothing, zip, zilch, nadda! So after reading all sorts of comments on tweaking etc and thinking about it for a few weeks, I decided to make super small changes across the board. Exercise a bit more, eat a bit less at each N day meal and really think before S-ing on S days. Well, the last few days I could swear I am getting thinner but I really wanted to wait until the first of the month to weigh in, but I couldn't stand it and got on the scale this AM. I am down 2 pounds!!!!!!!!! Finally the scale has moved!!!!!!!!!!! I must have weighed myself a dozen times over the last 11 weeks and each and every time it's been 167. Absolutely no fluctuation what so ever -which is super weird since before no-S I would fluctuate 1 to 3 pounds daily. I know the scale is not the most accurate way to track weight loss, but for cryin out loud, I just had to SEE the number go down somewhat. In the old days I would use a loss as an excuse to "celebrate" and indulge at least a bit, but with no-S I have no need to indulge. This is super easy, I am satisfied with my meals and everything I am now doing is something I can continue to do. That was my biggest fear that I would get into a groove that I would not be able to keep up. So now this loss has given me the boost to keep going happily. Don't get me wrong, I was going to keep going, but it wasn't going to be as happily, maybe more like a little grumpily.

Yeah Me!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:12 pm
by sandooch
I don't blame you for tweaking after 11 weeks of not losing anything. Seems like you found something that works for you. Let me ask you a qeustion. When you say "really think before S-ing on S days," what exactly do you mean? Do you plan them out better? Limit your S's?

Congratulations, by the way, for sticking with it and finally getting that scale to inch downwards.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:36 pm
by Dawn

My thinking before S-ing on S days really only started recently so I don't have it down to a science and I don't think I really want to do that necessarily. Although I said I made changes across the board, I have felt that my crazy S days were the main thing holding back the weight loss. My exercise and N days were truly very good, but with my crappy metabolism and the fact that I am not that much overweight (15-20 pounds) it just wasn't enough. So mostly what I have done differently on S days is to cut snacking out. I may have a bite or taste of something. But the more I think about it, the more I don't think snacking helps me in anyway. It isn't that big of a reward that it keeps me going on N days, but it keeps my calorie count too high. Also I like to have things at mealtime that wouldn't have on N days. Like pancakes and syrup on Saturday AM, or a fast food burger for lunch. The problem was I was overdoing this and now I keep my indulgent meal to dinner only on S days. It just works out this way for me quite easily. It was almost more work deciding what I could get into for S day meals than it was to just have the same type of meals that I have and truly enjoy on N days. Dessert is a must and I can't give that up or I am done. But I have it as late as I can so that I am not tempted to have seconds, as I was doing. So when my kids are eating chips I stop and think, "Will taking one or two make me want more, or will it make me feel like I am enjoying a little treat that I deserve on this S day". Sometimes I have to tell myself "no, not a good idea, save treating yourself for later, for something better". So far this week I have been able to keep up on the smaller N day meals and the extra exercise, but of course the real test is the weekend. And this weekend will be as hard as they get. It's my twin sons 13th birthday and we have to celebrate it Saturday night with a family dinner out and Sunday with people coming over for dinner and dessert. I will post on my check in on Monday, so if you are interested, check it out.

Thanks for congrats, it feels good. And good luck to you!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:29 pm
by Amyliz
Dawn- thanks for this post! i'm only 4weeks in and i have yet to see lbs drop. i DO feel better, and i'm happy about that. i think i will wait until 6 or 8 weeks to 'tweak' but with only 20lbs to lose, its great to read about someone who is tweaking and happy about it!

i also appreciate what you said about not really enjoying snacks. I'm ready to carry over the no snacking to S-days and just make them about some sweet rewards.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:33 pm
by Dawn
I totally understand the danger of making this too complicated or too restrictive, but when you don't have that much to lose I think you may find it necessary to do a bit more than others in order to see weight loss. I am hoping that my tweaking got things rolling and that I won't find it necessary to do anything more. Although I have been successful on other plans (albeit short term) I do have a habit of plateauing, early and often. I lose in chunks, not steady. So hard to stay motivated when weeks of "being good" go by with no loss. But at least with this plan there is motivation of other sorts along the way to keep you going until the weight does start to move, but I swear the diet gods were really pushing it this time - 11 weeks!!! That's just plan mean!

I hope this helps others who like me are seething with jealousy as they read about others who despite many screw ups have still lost X amount of pounds in X amount of time!!!!! You try not to be petty, but rather happy for others but geez, there is a limit to ones patience. :x

I will let everyone know how it goes with my new improved, but still easy, ways!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:31 pm
by Rilee
Dawn, I am so glad to hear someone else feeling a bit jealous. I have to fight the urge to want to start counting calories again, which is nowheresville! I got on the scale 2 days ago and it said a loss of 1.5 lbs. I worked like a dog in my yard yesterday and ate three healthy meals and was really hungry when I went to bed last night. I made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning and of course a 1.5 lb. gain! Ugh! The only thing I could figure is the meal I had was really salty. Anyway I also have about 15 lbs. to lose so maybe I'm just needing more patience as well. Do any of you who have 15-20 lbs. to lose know about what your calorie amount should be? I did my BMR and if I did it correctly I should be eating about 1800 calories per day. It sure seems like alot more than I've ever been use to when trying to lose weight. But maybe that's always been my problem, because I always gain it back.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:17 pm
by Dawn

Yeah I know what you mean about doing the math and the amount of calories we should be eating seeming kinda high.

All I know that is when I was on Jenny Craig, I was averaging 1400 cal per day and I lost an average of 2 pounds per week. I was also exercising to a point that I couldn't keep up with it beyond the 6 week plan. I know I can live off of 1400 calories pretty easy so I stay around there or even less if I can. It took some effort in the beginning but now I have several options that are low in cal but high in fiber and or protein so that it carries me to the next meal. But I can only do so much exercise so I know 2 pounds per week won't be happening. But that is diet weight loss, not lifestyle change weight loss.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:19 am
by Jesseco
I too have very little to lose and haven't lost it in the 4 or 5 weeks I've been on this diet! I think by allowing myself to eat "unhealthy" foods at meals on N-days (whereas I didn't previously), I may be sabotaging myself. So I'm going to do that only rarely now.

But the stopping snacking has been a big help to me--I think it's why I've at least not gained (except for a day or so after a crazy S day).

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:48 am
by kccc
Dawn, congrats!

I can so relate, as you've probably guessed from my posts on your thread about S-days. I am really impressed that you stuck it out when it was so frustrating, and managed to "tweak" in a sane kind of way.

I do think I am happier when I limit snacks on S-days. At least, if I'm very, very mindful of them. But for me, snacking really does "ruin my dinner," and I'm finally cluing into that.

But I think I needed those "wild" S-days at first. And I have to be very, very careful in tweaking not to make them feel too restrictive - MerryKat's cautionary tale could easily be my story, I fear.

I am actually quite pleased at long-term maintenance. I used to go through an awful cycle of lose (with great effort), then re-gain...and repeat.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:47 am
by Dawn
Jesseco, OK, you've put a good month in and made a lot of positive changes, now it's time to step back and adjust the most obvious things, then wait and see how that works, if still no loss after another month or so then you can see what else you can EASILY work on. That's what I am doing and it's finally working!!! So glad I didn't freak out and do something drastic. Drastic never worked before right?

Coming up with the perfect formula is gonna take some time, but will be so very worth it!!!

Good luck!


Re: Successful Tweaking

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:51 am
by rose
Dawn wrote:I decided to make super small changes across the board. Exercise a bit more, eat a bit less at each N day meal and really think before S-ing on S days.
I don't call that tweaking ;) for me it's a normal step in the NoS learning process. Once your habits get somewhat strong, most people need to experiment with meal size, meal composition, S-day wildness, exercise etc... whether it is out of a need for actual weight loss, or in order to have less cravings between meals, or in order not to fall asleep after every meal ("one plate" leaves a lot of room for overeating as well as for undereating), for general health, to avoid muscles atrophy during a weight loss phase, or any other reason.
As long as it doesn't crash your previous habits, and you wait a few weeks before introducing any new change, it's fine and probably good for you.
And even if it does crash your habits, just undo some changes and use the "failure" as a learning experience.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:20 am
by NoelFigart
Well, if something needs refining after a month, I'm sure as heck gonna tweak!

It's making sure you have the basics down solid FIRST (and goodness knows a month of strictly following the rules is fine for that) before you tweak.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:58 pm
by mjn
Great job, Dawn! I don't even consider that tweaking. I think you are just making healthy food choices. I am past wanting to gorge myself on S days. I feel better when I don't. I pretty much make my S days like my N days, wtihout the guilt if I choose to have a snack or sweet. We don't need to eat a bunch of food on our S days! I have been exercising alot more and finally am seeing some weight loss. I too only have about 14 lbs to lose, and I think it is harder to see it come off quickly. Glad to see you are having success!