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Hay fever

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:36 am
by ceri
As a NOES part - time lurker and hay fever sufferer, I was wondering if anyone else found sticking to NOES particularly difficult when you have hayfever.

I suffer from this for quite a lot of the year (allergic rhinitis etc) and find that although my physical symptoms are controlled fairly well by my nasal steroid spray and antihistamine tablets, I feel incredibly hungry and irritable when there's a lot of pollen in the air.

Consequently, I find breaking the the 2nd NOES law about snacks very diffcult to stick to. Does anyone else have the same problem, and if so, do you have any practical suggestions?

PS I'd like to thank Reinhard for all his interesting, amusing and thought provoking ideas

Hi Ceri

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:24 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Ceri, welcome :)
I too have bad hayfever and usually am irritable anyway!
But remember that eating because you are irritable, isn't going to make it better... Eat when it's mealtime, and try other methods to destress.
I would say, try to cut out the steroids first and foremost, because, I don't care what your allergist or 90 percent of most medical doctors say, steroids in *any* amount on a regular basis, are damaging to our health, and directly related to irritability, and stress... Steroids in our body, are infact our "Stress hormones"... So see if you can find some other more homeopathic cures from someone competent, and something that has less of an awful side effect on you. Years ago, before I became more holistic, I also used "Flonase" and all that garbage... It doesn't cure you and I feel it's detrimental...I use plain old saline spray and just blow my nose... gargling works.. Also have some hot tea and honey...I have read, but not tried, "Stinging Nettles" from the health food stores... That's supposed to help increase your ability to fight seasonal allergies.. Worth a try, as probably only five dollars (oh Euros for you! :) I'm getting some today from my health food store friend! :)
Another thing to remember is get sufficient sleep... The body can heal miraculously, but it needs that down time for the healing to happen.

I would suggest, to counter those nasty meds drying effects by keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated... Drink loads of water, and if need be, add some kind of low calorie flavoring to it to make it less boring.
Thirst can often be confused as hunger, in our sensory system...
Good luck and hope you feel better!
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:48 am
by ceri
Thanks for your ideas, Deb

I already use a saline wash : found this in a yoga book, and very useful it is too, tho' it sounds a tad disgusting, it really helps.

You realise when you have something like hay fever (and many other bugs or illnesses) how easily your body is knocked off course. And of course, you dont really NEED that extra food. But the effect is rather like a drug addict looking for another fix: you dont need the drugs either, but your body is screaming out for them. Thats why I think conventional dieting doesnt work: youre always reacting to food (towards it or away from it) so that it becomes a 24hr obsession. And thats why the NOES diet is so elegant and sane.. it gives you just enough flexibility, and an escape valve .. the S days

Good luck in your new job

Regards, Ceri

Hay fever, allergies, etc.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 4:34 pm
by navin
Hey -
I tend to get allergies and weird sinus stuf happening to me from time to time. Not extremely frequently, but it happens. I tend to just tough it out without any medications unless I'm just completely debilitated. A seocnd (or third?) vote for more fluids, that helps.

As for eating, I've found it's quite the opposite of your situation... if I'm sneezing, or even worse, have a runny nose or anything like that, I tend to lose my appetite. Hard to eat when you are sneezing. :D The extra water/fluids tends to supress appetite a little, too.