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Surprise Lesson

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:29 pm
by Buffalo Gal
As I got off of the bus this morning I realized I left my keys at home. Since I am the first one in the office my more than an hour I decided to check out the little Greek cafe for breakfast.

We have a lot of Greek diners and cafes and they excel at breakfast :!:

So....I sat down and ordered the special. What was I thinking?

The special for $3.99 is two extra large eggs, two large sausage patties, toast, coffee and enough home fries to feed a small village :shock:

Now a month ago I could have and would have polished this off without so much as a second thought. But this morning I new that this was much more than a plate full. I knew that if I ate everything I would have to mark it as a red day.

Even more scary was the thought that maybe I could still eat all of this :?

I asked the waitress for a glass of water which I promptly downed. Then I closed my eyes and asked all of you for help. I guess you heard me because all I could eat was one egg, one sausage, a couple of bites of home fries and the toast. No way I could resist the toast!

Anyway! I was stuffed and very uncomfortable. I forced myself to eat 1/2 sandwich and some nuts at lunch because I didn't think we should skip meals (what is the rule on skipping meals).

So my surprise lesson? I would have preferred the multigrain Cheerios with fresh fruit. I would have felt better and had more energy with way less food and (unlike other diets) this was no way a failure. It was a huge step in the right direction.

Anybody else learning things about themselves that surpirse them?

Buffalo Gal

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:41 pm
by NoelFigart

I go the other way.

I lose weight on pretty hearty meals. Only thing I can figure is I snacked an AWFUL lot. (That and drank too much. An appletini is pretty much empty calories). But it must have been a lot more than I realized, because I'm only moderately active (sedentary job+an hour a day workout=moderately active. I wept when I realized it...)

Re: Surprise Lesson

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:55 pm
by BrightAngel
Buffalo Gal wrote:The special for $3.99 is two extra large eggs, two large sausage patties, toast, coffee and enough home fries to feed a small village :shock:
Then I closed my eyes and asked all of you for help.
I guess you heard me because all I could eat was one egg, one sausage, a couple of bites of home fries and the toast. No way I could resist the toast!
Buffalo Gal,
You did good.
My practice when I eat out is ask for a "To Go" box to be brought along with the meal.
Then I decide what I'm going to eat, and immediately put the rest in the box.
When I leave I take the box, and then, After I'm satisfied and full, I decide
whether I'm going to take it home and use it as another meal
or dump it in the trash on my way to the car.

I would eaten the same as you...
except I would have eaten just the middle of my 2 pieces of toast,
because that's usually the only part they butter anyway.
I leave the crusts and unbuttered portion
and then I count the 2 middles as one piece of toast.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:37 pm
by babyprrr
I had a similar situation. Went out for breakfast and ordered a 3 egg omelette with sausage and mushroom, with a side of baked beans and two slices of buttered toast. I wasnt as virtuous as you though and polished off the omelette and baked beans and one slice of toast. Did feel very full afterwards but that's what I like about NoS. That I could enjoy a nice cooked breakfast once in a while without feeling guilty about it.

Skipped lunch without meaning to though, stayed full until about 6 pm, so just had dinner.

Btw, the 'sides' of baked beans and toast all fit onto one plate so I don't count it as an S.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:42 pm
by blueskighs
Buffalo Gal,

what a tremendous success! that is amazing and you did so good!!!!!!!!

My surprise lesson? Out "on the road" with No S this weekend I was amazed that I could not finish any of my restaraunt meals. I mostly eat at home these days ... so this is the most frequently I have eaten out in ages, anyway didn't finish anything ... would have been different a few short weeks ago ...

you've gotta love No S!


Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:15 am
by angelka71
That is great!