No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Jessies Daughter
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Post by Jessies Daughter » Sat May 10, 2008 2:46 am

Well, tomorow will be my first "S" day. AFTER 5 NO ESS days, I am not to sure what I should be looking forward to. I don't feel deprived and I don't have any non-managable cravings BUT... I do miss my "grazing".

I miss being able to make some salsa and snack on salsa and chips while I sip a pomerganted Margarita. I miss having an apple and a chunk of cheese. I miss having a kosher pickle.

I miss walking by the fruit bowl and grabbing a plum. I miss going in the fridge to get a glass of sweet tea (there is no other tea in SC) and grabbing a hand full of grapes. I miss mixing a baggie of dried cherries and almonds to at while I watch TV. I miss boiled peanuts and martinis.

Funny, I think I miss the act of grazing, more than I miss the graze!! I really don't WANT any of those things right now but I miss the thought of not being able to have them when I want them.

I am beginning to think I want to graze on them just because if I don't eat them tomorrow and Sunday, I won't be able to have them for SIX MORE WHOLE DAYS!!!

I will see what happens tomorrow!

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Post by blueskighs » Sat May 10, 2008 5:37 am

Jessies Daughter,

Good Luck with your first S Days ... I think the most important thing is to ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by BrightAngel » Sat May 10, 2008 2:33 pm

Jessies Daughter wrote:I do miss my "grazing".

Funny, I think I miss the act of grazing, more than I miss the graze!!
I really don't WANT any of those things right now
but I miss the thought of not being able to have them when I want them.
That is exactly how I feel.
I am beginning to think I want to graze on them
just because if I don't eat them tomorrow and Sunday, I won't be able to have them for SIX MORE WHOLE DAYS!!!
Jessies Daughter,
I looked carefully at the foods you listed in your post:
  • Salsa and chips
    apple plum, grapes, dried cherries
    kosher pickle,
    boiled peanuts
Every one of the foods appears to be an N day food.

You also listed:
  • sweet tea
Those are all beverages which might be permitted on N days.
I don't drink alcohol at all, so I don't know how sweet those drinks are.
My understanding is that Reinhard doesn't say NO alcohol,
he just limits his to a maximum of 2 drinks...calling it a "glass ceiling".

During N days, Reinhard says a bit of sugar is okay to sweeten beverages etc.
His recommendation isn't No Sugar on N days,
one just needs to figure the definition of "a sweet" on his/her own.
Of course, I don't know "how sweet" your own sweet tea is, but
for me personally, I don't label any artificial sweetened beverage a sweet,
and I use Splenda in my sweet tea, and drink it continually every day, whenever I wish.

I guess my point here is that either most or all of the foods you miss
are still always available to you every day,
It's just that on N days, you just have to incorporate them into your one plate meal.

So, Yes, it clearly appears that the grazing (or premasnacking) is what you miss.
Me Too.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by NoelFigart » Sat May 10, 2008 2:56 pm

BrightAngel wrote:
Jessies Daughter wrote:I don't drink alcohol at all, so I don't know how sweet those drinks are.
A margarita would be an S day drink for me, personally. They're pretty sweet and use sugared lime juice as a base. I know of people who wouldn't sweat it. BrightAngel is quite right that this is an individual call.

I choose to call an appletini an S day drink because it's more or less an alcoholic Jolly Rancher.

A martini is an N day drink to me, though I don't drink them often. WAY strong.

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