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Forget about trying

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 5:33 pm
by wosnes
"Trying is lying" Unknown wise person (said to me 35+ years ago by a friend)

"Do or do not. There is no 'try'". Yoda
Are you trying too much?

Those things that you're "trying" to do usually never seem to get done. You can convince yourself that you're trying. You can announce to others that you're trying. Yet only when you're actually doing will you get anything accomplished.

What would happen if you eliminated "trying" from your vocabulary? For one thing, it would force you to be more specific. Instead of saying "I'm trying to get the job finished," you would have to say specifically what you've done so far. If you didn't have "trying" to fall back on, perhaps you'd be more apt to go ahead and really get it done.

Making a sincere effort is great, but a vaguely focused "trying" is of little use. Take care that you're not trying too much and actually doing too little. Forget about trying. Get up and get busy doing.
"Trying" implies a lack of committment. I'd much rather marry someone who says "I will" instead of "I'll try." I know if I ask someone to do something and they say "I'll do that tomorrow" the chances of it getting done are better than if they say, "I'll try to do that tomorrow." Who would you rather give a job to? Someone who will try, or someone who commits to doing it?
Trying is not good enough. Trying is actually NOT Doing! It is still “I can’t†or “I won’tâ€...

...Each of us has the power to overcome the things we are committed to whether it be fear of flying or poor body image. No matter how long you have been living you’re your commitment, you can change the terms anytime you want.

I invite you to look inside at some of the commitments that have not been serving you, and see if you are ready to change your perspective on any of them.

Now that you understand the difference between trying and doing, literally in the blink of an eye, you will be able to recognize your commitments and know how to change them. Just imagine the freedom of being able to DO anything you want.

The next time you hear yourself say I am trying, remember, to tell yourself you are lying!

If you want to stay committed to something then commit to being the best you can be! Thomas Merton said, "The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little."

An exercise to bring this point home is to sit in a chair and drop a pencil on the floor. Now then I want you to TRY to pick the pencil up. Did you pick the pencil up? You Did? Well then put it back because you weren‘t trying. Try again. Now I want you to TRY to pick the pencil up. Did you pick it up? NO? Then you weren’t trying. You see you can either be committed to picking the pencil up and do, or be committed to leaving the pencil on the floor and not do, but you can’t TRY to pick the pencil up!
The above quote is from this: ... g?&id=8634

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:19 pm
by JustAnnie
"Trying" leaves some room for making mistakes and being human. If you say "I Will Do This" and you stumble and make a mistake, then what? You're a failure? It's over? I prefer to say, "I Will Try To Do This To The Best Of My Ability". That way, if I make a mistake, I don't have to beat myself up about it. I can get back up on my feet and try again.


Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:26 pm
by NoelFigart

I sympathize with what you're saying, Annie.

For myself, I choose to look at it this way: I'm not gonna be so damn arrogant that I can't face the face I AM human and DO fail from time to time. I'm not gonna be such a wuss that I cannot suck up the fact I do fail sometimes.

I'm not saying everyone else in the world has to think this way, but I think this Nerf culture where there's no such thing as losing or failure is making us a bit weak minded.

I suppose at least in part my attitude was formed when I was a child when I read Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut.

I'm rearing my children with the idea that sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail. Many of their peers have no idea what failure means, so they have never really understood the sweetnesss of success. *grin* Those kids are seriously being denied some nice S days and I think it's kinda sad.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:40 pm
by JustAnnie
You'll note that my avatar is "Never Give Up".

I guess it's different strokes for different folks and whatever mind set works for you. The "do or die" mind set is too rigid for me. When I think like that I tend to throw up my hands and walk away the first time I stumble, but I can understand where "Trying" may be a bigger commitment to some than to others.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:19 am
by wosnes
There's a world of difference between "trying to do your best" and "doing your best", which doesn't demand perfection, just your best effort.