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Week 2 and going strong..........

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:29 am
by purplefleck
This is my second week eating according to this plan. I have probably read almost every diet or intuitive eating book that has ever been printed!

My first weekend was a bit chaotic but this last weekend I was able to reign myself in more. I've added a 4th S which is no sneaky eating. My hardest time NOT to eat is in the evening after I've put my daughter to bed. I'm often tired and cranky and need to do a few things before I go to sleep. A small dish of ice cream which often turned into several small dishes has been my habit for awhile. I do miss not eating after dinner but am experiencing the pleasure of being able to avoid raiding the freezer these past 2 weeks. My daughter has been pleased that the ice cream that I have bought for her is still there for when SHE wants it.

I also like combining all the intuitive eating ideas which I have followed for awhile for my meals. I don't believe that shame (which says something about who you are) belongs with any eating experience- a little healthy guilt (which says something about what you do) might be helpful.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:03 am
by blueskighs

sounds like you are doing really well!
I've added a 4th S which is no sneaky eating.
Have you had a chance to listen to Reinhard's new podcast on S days gone wild, I really enjoyed it and he talks about sneaky eating :)


Re: Week 2 and going strong..........

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:40 pm
by JillyBean
mem wrote:A small dish of ice cream which often turned into several small dishes has been my habit for awhile. I do miss not eating after dinner but am experiencing the pleasure of being able to avoid raiding the freezer these past 2 weeks. My daughter has been pleased that the ice cream that I have bought for her is still there for when SHE wants it.
Hi, mem, and welcome! Ice cream always used to be my downfall too. Or, at least, I thought it was the ice cream. I am learning now that it's not the ice cream, but my belief about the ice cream (and the fat and sugar in it) that was truly my downfall. As long as I continued to believe that I had an addiction and could not eat even a bite without finishing the carton, I was doomed to repeat that behavior. So, I am starting to believe that "we are what we think" instead of "we are what we eat." :!:

My daughter asked me to buy ice cream sandwiches last week. I bought them and a package of Klondike bars too. In the past I would have resisted eating them for a day or two, then once I ate one I would most likely finish the whole package (or maybe both packages) before the day was over. I believed I could not stop once I started. I had one klondike bar on Saturday and one on Sunday. I have not had any ice cream sandwiches. Don't need 'em, don't want 'em.

When I believe that I am worth the effort, that I can follow these simple rules, that ice cream in the freezer is available to me (but only on s-days), I am able to leave it completely alone. What a concept! What a relief!!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:10 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, mem!

I agree with you that the issue of shame/guilt is a little more complex than it's usually made out to be -- it's not a question of shame or not, but of right or wrong shame.

A little relevant teaser content from the book (pages 82-83):
Don’t worry about overloaded plates. Yes, it is possible
to put a lot of food onto one plate, but it isn’t possible
to do so without seeing that it’s a lot. The sight of that
excess is embarrassing, even just to yourself. When it’s
all right there in front of you, on one plate, you can’t
deceive yourself into thinking that you aren’t eating a
lot. By forcing that excess into the open, you’ll gradually
shame yourself into smaller portions.

Shame tends to get a bad rap these days. It’s one of those old- fashioned
negative moral terms that is supposed to be the enemy of
that modern summum bonum, a good self- image. But
shame is powerful, it’s deep, it’s part of human nature, it
isn’t going away. So you might as well use shame instead
of pretending it isn’t there. Make it your ally, and maybe
shame will even help you deserve a good self- image.

I feel like the Gordon Gekko of self- help writing
this, but shame is good— or at least, it can be, if you
let it. If you don’t, it’ll still come, uninvited, and then it
won’t be good at all.

If you are snacking all day long, shame in this posi-
tive sense doesn’t work. You sneak around any obser-
vation, even your own. The irony is you wind up feeling
plenty of shame, of course: not at your behavior (which
deserves it) but at its results.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:50 pm
by flipturn
Hi, mem and all --

Welcome, mem!

Jill, I related to every word that you wrote, we have/have had very similar experiences.

PS -- I weighed myself for the first time since I started No S-ing 5.5 weeks ago and have lost seven pounds. Thank you, Reinhard, for giving me the inspiration and motivation to want to do this.

my 2nd week too!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:17 pm
by all as one
Hi Mem! I'm new too!
I too have read alot of these loser books by either celeb-pretties or freaks of nature. What I like about this plan is that this is how my mom used to feed me. Sounds crazy but I wasn't allowed coke at dinner and was made to finish my 1 plate, veggies and all or I couldn't go outside to play. And I was healthy. Then I became smarter (I thought) than my mom and would eat a slice of pizza at the corner or fill up on oreos instead. Twenty five years I am going back to the basics.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:10 pm
by CatholicCajun
Hello Mem and All as one and welcome. Here you will meet a lot of nice people who will and can encourage you on your journey. Isn't it nice to have ice cream in the freezer and not hear it calling your name? What a blessing! Have a blessed day.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:38 pm
by purplefleck
Thanks all for the welcome,

I will check out the latest podcast. if I can hear it thru my computer- clearly I am a non-computer person!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:00 am
by blueskighs

