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Trouble getting started?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:55 pm
by Mary KD
I read about the No S diet about one month ago. I read the entire Web site than bought the book, which I am reading now. My brain tells me that this "diet" makes so much sense and seems to reasonable and easy to follow, yet I am having trouble. If you look at my calendar from mid April to now, you will see most red days with a few green days sprinkled in.

Has anyone else had this kind of trouble getting started and have you any advice for me? I am 61 and so tired of thinking about food, thinking about my weight, and going off on these crazy binges. My weight has creeped up over the years and I now need to lose 25 pounds to get back into a healthy BMI range.

Re: Trouble getting started?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:02 pm
by fkwan
Mary KD wrote:Hi!
I read about the No S diet about one month ago. I read the entire Web site than bought the book, which I am reading now. My brain tells me that this "diet" makes so much sense and seems to reasonable and easy to follow, yet I am having trouble. If you look at my calendar from mid April to now, you will see most red days with a few green days sprinkled in.

Has anyone else had this kind of trouble getting started and have you any advice for me? I am 61 and so tired of thinking about food, thinking about my weight, and going off on these crazy binges. My weight has creeped up over the years and I now need to lose 25 pounds to get back into a healthy BMI range.
Everybody has some kind of trouble getting started. :)

What particular sort are you having? It's best to tackle one problem at a time and work on solving it.

Since there are more N days than S days, and since they are the core of the system, it's always good to start with them. Most folks have snacking problems, so the first step is to zero in on three meals a day and nothing else. Then portion sizes/no seconds. Then no sweets.

Then the overeating on S days or the sweet binges ditto.

Then the neurosis about the scale, if applicable and the understanding that true and lasting changes take time.

hugs o' luck,


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:18 am
by Sheiler
fkwan, what great advice. It is always easiest to break things down and take them a step at a time - like that old Bill Murry movie, baby steps. Mary, you might just take one of those steps, start with that, and when you've done that one for a week add another one. And, most importantly, don't give up. Starting any habit is difficult, but you can do it. :)

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:43 am
by JustAnnie
My advise is don't try to think too far ahead. Just take it meal by meal. If you eat breakfast at 8am, keep yourself busy and just think about making it to lunch without snacking. Don't try to think past that until your lunch is finished, then tell yourself, "I can make it to dinner without sweat." After you get yourself in the pattern of eating the "NoS" way it will become easier and easier. You CAN do this! :wink:

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:54 am
by NoelFigart
I like Annie's advice. I mean, you KNOW you can make it to the next meal! Never more than a few hours away!

I have to say that I tried and failed several times before No Sing really "stuck" with me.

Now, it's just... you know, the way to do the day.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:09 am
by CrazyCatLady
Mary, I had been wanting to start a "diet" or healthy eating plan for months. When I found No S, I knew it was the right plan for me. I started it very early in January, and started tracking on the habitcal mid April. The reason I didn't take the final step and start tracking earlier was because I was easing into it.

I love to read about the people who jump right in fully, and have green days galore on their HabitCal. For me, I made HUGE changes right from the start. But I just wasn't ready to commit to making all the No S changes yet. So I mostly cut out snacks, sweets and seconds, but I often had small "failures". But I knew that I was doing better than before starting No S, and I just kept trying my best. Finally, inside I felt ready to start the habitcal and commit to doing my very best to stick to No S.

A lot depends on your past "dieting" history, and other baggage that you bring with you. And some red marks are really minor calorie wise, but huge in our learning. Those types of red marks are really positive, in my opinion! Of course, some of my red marks are really big calorie wise, too! I still try to learn from them!

Please be gentle with yourself. This is a major life change. Whether or not you have more greens than reds, you are making positive changes! Keep trying, and keep posting! Let us know when you have successes and learning experiences, so we can cheer you on!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:40 am
by AnnaBanana
Hi Mary...

I've been no-s'ing about 3 weeks. The first week went like a dream and then I derailed and I've stopped and started several times. But not once have I considered myself a failure. I have learned so much from the mess ups. Some were HUGE like cinnamon roll overload one day and others have been 4 pecan halves. But I learned from each and every one of them. What I have learned that NOTHING ever taught me before is that I have the power. I keep getting back to this in posts, but the truth is, there is nothing to rebel against doing this and, as a result, when you slip you have to look to yourself for the answers and the power. I think I realize after reading some posts here on this thread that I have slowly been working toward mastering the entire concept and making it habit. I am very happy. Keep going. Keep trying. Every time you fall, you get back up. As long as your getting back up, there are no failures.

Climb on board with all of us. :)

Thank you for the good, sensible advice

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:01 pm
by Mary KD
Thank you all for responding to my post. Your advice is excellent. Annie, I particular like the idea of challenging myself to make it to the next meal...and then the next meal. That is a good way to break this down.

Your replies are so kind and caring. Thank you for that.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:32 pm
by cornelia
Mary: Finally someone who I can relate to. I am going to be 64 in a few days and I think that because we are older, we don't have the push anymore. We don't want to get any bigger (I have about 20 lbs to drop), but at the same time we don't want to count/weigh anything. We have other issues now and dealing with a diet is not at the top of our lists. I have been on one diet or another, messing around with the same 25 pounds, for the past 40 years (the age of my "baby"), I'm done with that. I'm just plain sick and tired of doint it. That's why this is go great. I'm not constantly searching for a "better" diet, because this is it. No counting, simple dos and don'ts, grocery shopping is more pleasant. I just live. I am the world's worst when it comes to snacking. "Grazing". Just like a cow, wanted to be chewing something all the time. Well, I managed to stop for 5 whole days. I was really geared up for Saturday.
But when Saturday came, I found out I didn't really want to graze anymore. I kind of enjoy the "not stuffed" feeling. You can do it, if I can do it. I have only about an ounce of will power anymore. This way of eating only takes about that much. Good luck.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:09 am
by Mavilu
Getting used to eat this way is easy... over time, you just can't expect your mind and your body not to complain and try to trip you over in retaliation, they will try to get you to eat the old ways.
If you don't think you can't tell them what to do, then I suggest being sneaky and fooling them into thinking that not much is changing.
I had trouble starting, so what I did was to tackle just one S at a time, or rather one S a month, only when I had gotten used to one S habit , I added the next; easy does it, my body never got to complain too much and my brain?, it didn't even notice that things were changing.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:25 pm
by CatholicCajun
Mavilu love your little critter in the corner :D

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:32 pm
by Mavilu
Thank you!, it's an irreverent little kitty that I found somewhere on the Internet.