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Information that is now useful...

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:44 pm
by kccc
Did you know that a layer of plastic wrap across the top of ice cream will keep ice crystals from forming?

Once I wouldn't have NEEDED to know that. :oops: Now, it means that the flavor of ice cream that I bought because it sounded good will be there next weekend, and still taste fine. (Unless, of course, my husband eats it in the meantime. Which is okay - I might make a different choice next weekend anyway.)

Questions like "how long does a pie last in the fridge?" and "how do you store crisp cookies?" are now RELEVANT to my life. Imagine.

(Clearly, I am not one of those who "no longer likes sugar." I just like better quality, and less.)

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:48 pm
by Airen08
ooh...that's actually good to know! Thanks!

Although I've been buying the little pints of ben and jerry's so that I only have two days to finish it or put it back in the freezer for next week. I also found teeny tiny 3 oz. of ben and jerry's the other day!! That was really exciting!! I could eat one of those in 20 minutes!! LOL

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:03 am
by NoelFigart
I taught my son the seran wrap on top of the ice cream thing.

He's allowed his ice cream, but he gets it in real serving sizes -- that means a custard cup, just like the way I eat it. (Never mind the change in ME that I DO eat a custard cup full of ice cream as my treat. That's a really weird change).

A pint of Ben and Jerry's does last a long time that way, dunnit? I don't even buy the half gallons of ice cream any more. Why bother?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:24 am
by wosnes
Hagen Dazs has 4 oz. containers, too. I've only seen a few flavors (vanilla, chocolate, coffee and dulce de leche).

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:30 am
by CrazyCatLady
Wonderful, KCCC, Airen, and Noel. Ice cream in a custard cup? :oops: Never heard of such a thing...we always use the large size bowl that we eat cereal out of! I will try the custard cup the next time I have ice cream!

My husband bought a dozen large chocolate chip cookies Friday night, thinking that we could finish them off through the weekend. (I'm ashamed to admit that it was never a problem finishing off sweets before I started No S!) Tonight, there were still 6 cookies left, so I put 3 in the freezer! I have never had to freeze sweets before, unless it was something like a peanut butter cup that we simply wanted to eat frozen!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:10 am
by NoelFigart
CrazyCatLady wrote: Ice cream in a custard cup? :oops: Never heard of such a thing...we always use the large size bowl that we eat cereal out of! I will try the custard cup the next time I have ice cream!
When I went through my "try to eat like a bodybuilder" phase, I was eating 1500 calories a day (300 calories five times a day), and MEASURING everything I put in my mouth. If you had a "cheat meal" it was advised that it not be over in calories from any other meal you had. I learned a lot from that experience.

A SERVING of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream is half a cup.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:30 pm
by reinhard
I didn't know! Thank you!

The issue of freezer burned ice cream -- formerly a formidable objection to the No-s way of life -- has finally been countered!


Re: Information that is now useful...

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:35 pm
by Nichole
KCCC wrote:Did you know that a layer of plastic wrap across the top of ice cream will keep ice crystals from forming?
I'll have to tell this to my sister! She buys ice cream and doesn't eat it for a long time, and then the arctic freezes over it. I was actually just teasing her about this the other day!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:56 am
by kccc
reinhard wrote: The issue of freezer burned ice cream -- formerly a formidable objection to the No-s way of life -- has finally been countered!

I'm thinking I'm going to combine that with Noel's strategy - buy smaller amounts of better-quality ice cream.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:50 pm
by cornelia
Thank you. I just paid way too much for ice cream on Saturday and was wondering how long it would stay freezer-burn free if just eaten on the week-ends. Hope it's not too late. I haven't bought plastic wrap for years.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:29 pm
by Nichole
KCCC wrote:
reinhard wrote: The issue of freezer burned ice cream -- formerly a formidable objection to the No-s way of life -- has finally been countered!

I'm thinking I'm going to combine that with Noel's strategy - buy smaller amounts of better-quality ice cream.
I've done what she's done--buying a pint of Ben and Jerry's and eating half one day and half the other. It's a GREAT idea & it's nice to pick out your own flavor rather than eating someone else you live with's choice.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:27 pm
by flipturn
I haven't had any ice cream in months; I went cold turkey (hmm, I guess that that is a pun) and don't miss it. With that said, though, my daughter, who loves ice cream, is coming home tomorrow from college and that is on her list of "must eat" foods. Thanks for this great tip!