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help with post-workout headaches

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:58 pm
by phano
I've lost about 10 lbs so far (in five months), and now I'd like to step things up a bit, so I'm trying to work out more. So I rode the stationary bike in the garage for about 30 minutes. I had my music on and a book to read and felt good I'd done it and felt pretty good while doing it, too. But now I have this horrible, throbbing headache. I'm pushing water--I think I must have had about 32 oz. in the last hour, but this sucker is KILLING me. When I worked out in college, I usually did it before lunch, so I would just eat and drink and (usually) no headache. But late afternoon works better for me now, around 3pm, so it's still about 3 hours from dinner. I tried to do the couch potato to 5k plan a few months back and had the same headache thing. I ended up eating some fruit, which helped a little, but then triggered a sort of free-for-all snack time. So I gave up the running plan, but I'd really like to get into better shape. Will this stop? Am I doing something wrong? Should I just have an orange and be done with it? I had quite a large lunch, so I rather doubt that I really need calories. Help!

p.s. I associate headache with hunger because a few years ago, I did a 10 week language intensive and had so much stress (and indigestion due to stress!) that I didn't feel a rumbly tum--I only noticed that I needed to eat when my head began to pound. Normal hunger cues are slowly resuming now that I'm on NoS, but headache is still sometimes a need to eat indicator for me.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:18 am
by BrightAngel
I'm not an exercise expert,
(although I frequently exercise,
and today I exercised for 2 hours
without any food intake before exercising.)

but I do know a lot about hunger,
and it doesn't sound to me like your headache is at all hunger related.

I'd say check with your doctor and follow his advice.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:29 am
by noSer
Not an exercise expert either, but I did read somewhere that milk (which is allowed on No S) was better than gatorade at replenishing electrolytes. You might try a glass before or after. Also, make sure you are doing a nice cool down. If your blood is really pumping, you don't want to just stop in your tracks. Your leg muscles help pump your blood when you are exercising, so if you just go from full tilt to dead stop, that blood starts pooling in your legs and draining from your head. Good luck with the exercise. Sounds like you're doing great!

Have a great day!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:58 am
by rose
I'd suggest the following:

* make sure you drink before, during and after exercising ESPECIALLY if the length exceeds 15'.

* start with frequent (every day or every other day), very short sessions. Like 5' or 10'. Augment the duration a few minutes at a time after a few weeks. Back down when you've reached the headache threshold.

Yes, it might feel ridiculous. Yes, other people are able of much more. However I have found that when I compare myself to the average person, when I try to follow any kind of ordinary exercise plan, I hurt myself and give up on exercising. My morning routine would make most people laugh, it is such a light routine. However I have kept at it for more than a year already, in the secrecy of my bedchamber. Sometimes it's necessary to aknowledge the fact that you have limitations that other people don't have, in order to work around them.
Even 5' or 10' of sweating with 5' light stretches before and after are better than nothing, and produce physical and psychological results when repeated 4 to 6 times a week.

(anyway after consulting a doctor, or after acclimating yourself slowly to lengthier or heavier workouts, you might find that your limitations melt away... but it never hurts to start slowly... after all you have your whole life to exercise.)

* lastly, exercise does not have to be formal exercise. Incorporating a little bit of walking, stair climbing, housework, gardening, playing outdoors with kids, playing with pets, whatever, into your daily life is mostly unobtrusive (no sweat, no need to shower or change clothes, very little chance of hurting yourself), but it does count regarding general health and calorie expenditure.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:40 am
by bonnieUK
So I rode the stationary bike in the garage for about 30 minutes.
I'm just wondering if you keep anything in your garage that could be causing your headaches, e.g. paint, or any other substance which might give off fumes, even something you can't smell can cause headaches and / or dizziness. Just a thought.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:34 pm
by flipturn
That's a really good point that Bonnie made. I think that you should see what happens if you go for a walk. If you still have the headache, I second the other idea about seeing your doctor.