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Snacking is hard to give up!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:47 pm
by t0r1
Good morning everyone! I discovered the No S Diet while doing some internet surfing over the weekend. It is such a great concept! A little about me: I am 28, 5' 3" and have about 10 pounds to lose. I have never had to diet, but I usually gain and lose the same 5-10 pounds each year. I typically go thru periods where I eat a lot and then without trying I cut back and the weight comes off. But this year I have been eating way too many sweets and weight more that I ever have, 139. I would love to get back into the high 120's so I can fit into my clothes again!

I have always worked out, so that isn't the problem. I have been reading tons of diet books and just can't seem to stick with anything. This way of eating seem the least like a diet because you can still eat what you enjoy. I never realized how much snacking that I do. I know that most of it is due to me being bored at work, so I wonder into the kitchen and eat a cracker here, some peanuts there. The extra calories really add up! Have any of you had this problem and how did you overcome it? Thanks for any suggestions!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:49 pm
by kccc
I was SO used to snacking that I wasn't sure I could handle the no snacks - they were part of my routine. (Well, the official ones were... then there was the grazing... eating to procrastinate... etc.)

I cut snacking the same way I weaned my child - gradually, starting with the less-needed "feedings." For me, mornings were not much of an issue, so I established that quickly. Afternoons were harder, so I began with "limited choice" snacks - if I wasn't hungry for an apple or carrot, I wasn't really hungry! Then it was a limited snack "if I needed it," and eventually they went away completely.

I did find I needed more protein at meals to make it through, and initially I needed bigger meals. Don't worry about that while you're "building habit" - your meals will naturally adjust to a reasonable amount in time. Focus on the basic rules to start, and try to set yourself up for success on those.

Best wishes! It really does get a LOT easier over time.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:48 pm
by rose

you're bored -> get busy.
you snack in the kitchen -> don't go into the kitchen between meals. Have a water bottle on your desk so you don't need to go in the kitchen to drink.

When I started NoS I could not stand getting within sight of a vending machine - I knew I'd buy a sweet if I did. I also escaped to the ladies' whenever a colleague brought croissants or cake to work.
It's much easier to avoid temptation than to overcome it. So avoid it until your habits are strong enough to withstand temptation.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:34 pm
by Tink
You have been given some great advice, you can do this! :) What I do is chew on ice chips at nite, i feel like i am snacking :wink: Good Luck :)

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:52 pm
by t0r1
Thanks for the great tips! I am going to try shifting my eating times to see if that helps. Avoiding the kitchen and staying busy at work are also things that should help. Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:24 pm
by Jessies Daughter
Not for everyone but... I went Cold Turkey. No sweets, No seconds, No snacks except on days that begin with "S".

I started on a Tuesday and just knew that I would not make it through the week. I was a permagrazer. I bought into the 6 small meals a day so I kept a drawer full of various snacks and I ate all day.

Cold Turkey No S'ing gave my stomach enough of a rest to let my brain determine when I was hungary.

The first day I signed on to the "21 DAY" club. At the end of my first 21 Days I had developed some pretty good beginning new eating habits.

I feel better, I sleep better and my cravings have gone away.!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:58 am
by blueskighs
Ditto Jessie's Daughter,

I also went cold turkey on snacks and seconds 74 days ago ... woowoo...
anyway I am 5'3" and have gone from 134.6 to 126.3 in that time period ... I THOROUGHLY enjoy my S days with proactive sweets and am RIGOROUS about my N days,


Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:18 pm
by Nichole
blueskighs wrote:Ditto Jessie's Daughter,

I also went cold turkey on snacks and seconds 74 days ago ... woowoo...
anyway I am 5'3" and have gone from 134.6 to 126.3 in that time period ... I THOROUGHLY enjoy my S days with proactive sweets and am RIGOROUS about my N days,

I need to get more strict like you..... Which is why I'm considering today a fresh start. . I started by changing up what I buy for breakfast and lunch - - boredom is no diet's friend. Hopefully that will get me back on track :)

Re: Snacking is hard to give up!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:08 pm
by bonnieUK
t0r1 wrote: I have never had to diet, but I usually gain and lose the same 5-10 pounds each year. I typically go thru periods where I eat a lot and then without trying I cut back and the weight comes off.
Hi and welcome :)

I think I was similar, with a fluctuation of about 5lbs each year. Generally, gaining a few in the winter, then losing a few in the summer, without much effort, just a natural result of eating lighter in the summer and getting out and about more (mostly walking), I'd been like that for several years and maintained a healthy range. However, about a year ago something changed which I attribute to two things:

Last year we had the coldest, rainiest summer we've had in years - i.e. eating more filling foods and staying indoors!

For some insane reason, I gave in to the diet advice that snacking is good, keeps your metabolism up, causes you to eat less at meals and blah blah blah - just doing that for a few months was enough to do some damage, and undoing the snack habit is much more difficult than starting it! I've actually found that if I snack, I'll eat exactly the same amount at meal times (and want seconds!) anyway.

However, the structure of No S got me out of the snack habit within a couple of weeks. Coffee or tea with soya milk between meals helps a lot, and having some apples (or other light fruit / vegetable) for "snack attack emergencies" is a good safety net in the begining :)

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:33 pm
by t0r1
Bonnie - My boyfriend and I have been socializing less this year since I have basically given up drinking. I think that has definitely contributed to the weight gain this time around since I am home more to eat! I was hoping that giving up beer would help me to lose weight, but that didn't happen since I replaced it with sweets!

Has the No S helped you get those 5 lbs. off?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:49 pm
by blueskighs
For some insane reason, I gave in to the diet advice that snacking is good, keeps your metabolism up, causes you to eat less at meals and blah blah blah - just doing that for a few months was enough to do some damage, and undoing the snack habit is much more difficult than starting it! I've actually found that if I snack, I'll eat exactly the same amount at meal times (and want seconds!) anyway.
that is pretty much my experience too ... last december I joined a gym and weigth about 123.4 I was going to get in my best shape ever :D I decided to do the mini-meals/snacking thing to boost my metabolism ... by march I was at 134.6 and definitely NOT in my best shape ever :D
HOPEFULLY I have learned my lesson for my body and am done snacking!

I need to get more strict like you..... Which is why I'm considering today a fresh start.
I think being strict has worked like Reinhard said in that being strict may be hard in the beginning but actually becomes much easier in the long run!


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:16 am
by bonnieUK
t0r1 wrote: Has the No S helped you get those 5 lbs. off?
Almost, I don't bother to weigh myself much, but I feel that I'm almost at my goal weight and think I just need to up the exercise a bit to be good for summer holidays :)
Blueskighs wrote: HOPEFULLY I have learned my lesson for my body and am done snacking!

Me too! It's funny how the weight can creep up without one noticing, I was in a dance show last year and had a wake up call when the costume I had been measured for a few months prior to the show barely fit me (and it had been loose to start with!) :oops: