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Dried Fruit Question

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:43 am
by JillyBean
I know there is already a post going about optimized oatmeal, but I wanted to be sure this didn't get overlooked by those that have already answered that post and don't think there's a need to check it again...

Yesterday I decided to give the optimized oatmeal a try for lunch. I was running errands and would be out at lunchtime and I needed to eat something, but didn't want to go for fast food or spend the time and money at a sit-down restaurant. So, in the morning before leaving I put on some water to boil, measured out some rye flakes, oatbran, and 5-grain cereal that I have, added some raisins, craisins, and walnuts, and took a plastic spoon. I took the hot water in a thermos. Around 12:30 I poured some water over my cereal and let it sit about 5 minutes and ate in my car. I was satisfied and not hungry until dinnertime. It was great!

I have a question for others that do this and add dried fruit. Is the fruit sweetened? I was shopping at Sam's yesterday (one of my errands) and I could not find any dried fruit that didn't have added sugar. Do you use that, or do you go to a health food store and get special fruit without added sugar or what?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:21 pm
by kccc
I simply don't worry about it. The rule is not "no sugar," it's "no sweets." (I also put sugar in my coffee - one tsp/cup, 2 cups.) My oatmeal isn't at "dessert-level," so it's not a sweet.

As long as I'm not over-dosing on dried fruit - which is its own problem - I just don't see it as an issue.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:19 pm
by flipturn
Hi, jilly -- I don't know whether you live near a Trader Joe's, but that is where I buy dried fruit without added sugar. The dried figs are really good, and I love the California apricots, but they have shot up dramatically in price. On the other hand, one bag can last quite some time if you use them prudently (okay, I saw that pun coming!).