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day 4

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:25 pm
by Gail
Doing well so far, I have weighed every morning, I know this is a no-no to some but I am just too curious. I HAVE been a pound lighter each morning. I started out at 186 which is the most I have ever weighed in my life. I might add that I am 5'8 so most people tell me I don't look heavy. I was always a skinny-minny growing up, weighed in at 135 for many years. But I swear when a woman hits about 35 she puts on at least 10 pounds every decade. Most of my weight is around my middle, I just hate my big belly. I never can wear anything tucked in, I guess that would be one of my goals to tuck a blouse in and not die from holding my stomach in. Yesterday I cheated abit, had a dessert for lunch a orange soda in the evening and a small bowl or rice krispies with sugar on top before I went to bed. I don't think that is toooooooooo bad. This will be my first weekend, so I am anxious to see how I will do. I have no intentions of pigging out, I know that won't happen, but we shall see how many treats I have. I am also keeping a food journal, I think that helps alot. Remember.....WE CAN DO THIS.

Re: day 4

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:21 pm
by BrightAngel
Gail wrote:I am also keeping a food journal, I think that helps alot.
I could not have lost weight and maintained my current loss
without my daily use of a food journal.

I've found the difference between using a computer food journal,
instead of a paper, pencil and calorie dictionary,
to be like sewing with a power sewing machine vs.
sewing by hand with a single needle and a spool of thread.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:29 pm
by flipturn
Welcome, Gail! I look forward to hearing more about your No S experience. I also use a food journal and find it very helpful. Good luck creating new habits, and be sure to buy Reinhard's book.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:35 am
by blueskighs


ditto flipturn,
reading the book was a huge "mental" breakthrough for me,
