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Well, THAT's different! (Add yours)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:42 am
by kccc
Today I came home from a trip, and wanted an S-day treat.

So I ate 4 Dove Promises (each just a bit larger than a Hershey's Kiss), finishing up a bag in the pantry.

Here's the amazing thing: Today is June 21. I received those Promises for Mother's Day (May 11, I think). While it was a large bag (1.5 lb), I have been sharing generously with the family... and it has still lasted until NOW. (Part of that is that no one else ate them unless I offered because they were "mine," but more it was that I didn't eat them all fast...)


In the past, that bag would have been gone in 3 days - and I'd have felt sick all three days, and hated that I had no willpower.

This time, it lasted a while... and I ENJOYED EVERY BITE.

Now, that's a change.

What have you noticed that's a "big change" from "how things used to be"?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:50 am
by Mavilu
Why, yes, just like you, I have a few things that are there, that shouldn't be there: there has been lemon sorbet in the freezer for three weeks, there was a frozen cake dessert that we bought two saturdays ago and just finished tonight, there has been a box of graham crakers in the pantry for about a month, now.
And I noticed that s'mores are far too sweet now, I just don't want them any longer.
Another thing: I don't remember when was the last time I had acid stomach, I was used to pop Tums almost everyday, not anymore.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:08 pm
by Betty
I have a real weakness for chocolate covered nuts. In the past, I would go through periods when I would buy a bag almost every day.

On Friday (an S day for me) I bought some, poured about a third of them into a bowl, stopped before I was finished (admittedly, this was hard, but I was starting to feel yucky) and threw out the rest.

A bit of a waiste, sure, but I didn't binge, which is still amazing for me on S days.


Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:11 pm
by blueskighs
This time, it lasted a while... and I ENJOYED EVERY BITE.

Now, that's a change.
And KCCC what a GREAT CHANGE that is!

My changes, getting my treats during week for S days and not getting into them during the week

and when going through my days and feeling frustrated, bored, rebellious, sad ... WHATEVER :D

asking myself "how am I going to handle this?"
instead of "what am I going to eat?"

Ditching the I am sugar addict and "powerless over food mentality" and



Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:05 pm
by irish
KCCC, I too, just finished off some Mother's Day candy - and I left it sitting on the buffet the whole time! It's truly amazing. And now, this past weekend was a good one for me. I never would have believed, two and a half months ago, that this would ever happen. I just wish I could convince all overweight people to try this.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:12 pm
by kccc
blueskighs wrote:
and when going through my days and feeling frustrated, bored, rebellious, sad ... WHATEVER :D

asking myself "how am I going to handle this?"
instead of "what am I going to eat?"
That's a HUGE, life-changing one, Blueskighs!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:41 am
by blueskighs
That's a HUGE, life-changing one, Blueskighs!
yes KCCC it kind of is,
amazing how its making me much more "productive" these days .. who knew...