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substance accounting diets=S.A.D.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:13 am
by resting52
reading THE book again and just thought it was funny that Reinard's name for excess attention diets is Substance Accounting Diet or S.A.D.

I know they always made ME sad.



Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:05 pm
by 3aday
They made me sad too.
That is why I love No S and embrace it completely.
I don't have to count anything and I love the freedom of it.
It frees up my energy to work on other things and believe me, I have lots and lots of other things to work on besides calculating food.

Having been on both ends of the spectrum, I find that the simplicity of No S much saner than anything I had done before.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:09 pm
by blueskighs
Counting carbs/calories is a drag.
Has anyone noticed this is the first sentence under the Daily Check In on the forum description????????????



Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:46 pm
by reinhard
That's very funny... surprised I missed that. I think I'll have to promote that to the home page (with attribution, of course). Thanks, resting52!

Now we just need something for the "forbidden foods" diets...


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:36 pm
by CrazyCatLady
Forbidden foods....all the time......or FFATT diets!

Snork! I crack me up sometimes! And LOVE the SAD!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:01 am
by resting52
Thanks, Reinhard,

Haven't you got a bunch of FUNNY LOSERS here?

CCL---that is a HOOT!!!!!!

Resting who continues to be a loser (now down 7.5)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:45 am
by resting52
Spent the weekend with dear old friends, the wife of which has been on a diet for at least as long as we've known them, around 30 years. I told her, and her husband, about NoS. She thought it was "interesting" but in no way embraced it. She would rather DO something whereas NoS is more about leaving all the DOing behind.

It was as if she would rather continue to strive and fail and become more miserable in her "lack of willpower" than get out of that horrendous jail.

It was S.A.D.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:02 pm
by resting52
I'm preaching to the choir-the choir being me. I'm continually bombarded with the lasted diet craze. It is hard not to skim the titles in the check out counter. I want to put a big S.A.D. sign on top of the display to remind myself of the misery I left.

Resting=lured by the bait but not caught.