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What are you doing for the S of July?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:01 pm
by ou812
I am grilling some bacon wrapped stuffed all beef franks.

We are also making smores.

Clearly an S day here. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:20 pm
by CrazyCatLady
Oh, I haven't had bacon wrapped stuffed hotdogs in years! Are they stuffed with cheese, like my Mom used to make?!?

I have been wanting french toast, so I made that for brekkie. Image Did you know that if you sprinkle some chopped mixed nuts (think ice cream toppings) on top of the french toast before flipping it, it ends up tasting kind of like a nutty donut? Without the dry nasty donut?!? And I realized that I could eat it on an N day, too?!? I sprinkled my french toast with cinnamon sugar rather than syrup, because we don't have any good syrup right now. Very tasty!

We will go to a movie, maybe have popcorn, and definitely take out chicken at the park for a picnic dinner. Image With fireworks later. Image

Oh, and I've been wanting the icecream DH purchased, so at some point this weekend, I plan to have a drumstick!

Hope everyone has a good holiday! S of July...LOL!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:20 pm
by kccc
I had a snack this morning, while taking a break from painting the deck... a half-cup of trail mix (dried fruit and nuts and seeds, usually my oatmeal/cereal topping.)

And after lunch, I had a treat I keep on hand for the kids - a tube of Stonybrook's regular yogurt, but eaten frozen. They adore it, and it's far less sugar than yogurt sold as frozen yogurt.

Dinner will be hamburgers and hotdogs - not my favorite, but at least I'm not having to cook them. And watermelon, which I do love.

And I'll probably have a root-beer float later with the gang.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:47 pm
by wosnes
Oh, s'mores and a root beer float sound good -- though not necessarily together. I may have to go get the ingredients.

We had brats, baked beans, corn on the cob and watermelon for lunch. It was good!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:12 am
by gingercake
I had some trouble with re-entry today after the 3-day holiday. Had some major seconds at lunch, then something sweet after dinner. I definitely do better on Mondays when the weekend hasn't been a free-for-all. This was the first weekend like that in awhile - but second red Monday in a row. But, you know, live and learn! I'm definitely OUT of the beating-myself-up habit.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:52 am
by blueskighs
we did fresh homemade blueberry pie :D


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:26 pm
by Amyliz
Hey Blueskighs ... reading your blog, what is a EVOO Misto?? just a regular spray bottle with EVOO? i'm intrigued and it sounds like a better way to get the oil in the veggies without heaping teaspoons ...


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:32 am
by blueskighs
what is a EVOO Misto?? just a regular spray bottle with EVOO? i'm intrigued and it sounds like a better way to get the oil in the veggies without heaping teaspoons ...
Blamey, it absolutely is! and it distributes it better...
MISTO is something you can get at LINEN'S N THINGS, do they have one where you live? They are like 9.99 and I think they are made for Olive Oil because there is no aerosol, you just fill it up about half way and then pump and spray, very handy, I am on my second one in a few years,
