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Bring a plate to work! (And other newbie musings)

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:54 am
by Mistress Manners
One thing that's really helped me so far: I brought a plate to work. (I tend to eat at my desk). It keeps me from fudging by "virtual plating" and also makes me feel like I'm a real person eating a real meal. Getting up to wash my plate at the end is a nice signal that mealtime is OVER.

On a side note, I've not noticed any change in my weight yet. However, I HAVE noticed that I am no longer eating as a way to punish myself, or out of guilt or boredom. And I am eating lots of fruits and veggies. (Which I always skipped on WW, because who wants to "waste" 2 points on an apple?) And you know what? I like living this way. If it ends up that living this way keeps me at my current size, well, then I will be someone of my current size who isn't shoving Oreos in my mouth because I hate my boss and who walks through Central Park every day on the way to work to enjoy the surroundings.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:48 pm
by blueskighs
Mistress Manners,

great idea about bringing a plate to work!

and I am with you, the peace and sanity that No S diet brings to food and eating is profound!


Re: Bring a plate to work! (And other newbie musings)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:12 pm
by Julie V
Mistress Manners wrote: who wants to "waste" 2 points on an apple
Hear, hear!

I also find myself having some milk once in a while. I never used to on WW because why "waste" calories on a beverage when you can drink water or diet coke?

Re: Bring a plate to work! (And other newbie musings)

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:52 am
by Laff
Mistress Manners wrote: If it ends up that living this way keeps me at my current size, well, then I will be someone of my current size who isn't shoving Oreos in my mouth because .
Well said! I love that I don't have to do that even when I had a bad day. An error in judgement does not have to be followed by a week of gorging. Keep being happy with who you are.