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I was about to give up on NoS....

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:11 pm
by HistoryTeacher
I have been on NoS since the beginning of April and as of this morning I was going to give up. I've gained 3 lbs. since starting NoS, I've had a few red days, and fairly reasonable S days, I've been cooking healthier meals and my husband has been doing his best when I tell him I want Starbucks to tell me that it's an N day and am I sure I can't wait until Saturday for my Light White Chocolate Mocha Frappachino with Whip Cream?

I am frustrated with the lack of weight loss after working hard for months. I started tracking my weight daily, trying to find a pattern. I know that NoS is meant to stop me from tracking things but I had to figure out what exactly was causing the weight gain, were my portions too big, was I eating less healthy than I thought? After more than a month of keeping track I'd realized that my portions are fine, I am eating fairly healthy though I could always improve and I am still up 3 lbs. in 1 month.

This morning something made me rethink giving up NoS. The other piece of my tracking was measuring inches. As much as it embarasses me to post the numbers, I think that I will anyway. I need to preface this with the idea that I've always lost weight in my upper body, I am one of those pear shaped people, at my wedding I had to have a custom made dress because there was a 6 size gap between my lower body and upper body.

Anyway....Here are the numbers in 1 month.

Bust-39" June, 42" July
Ribs-34" June, 34" July
Waist-34" June, 34" July
Pudge (that roll of fat I carry below my waist but above my hips)-42" June, 39" July
Hips-49" June, 47" July
Thigh-29" June, 28" July

I still need to make some adjustments but I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe I can make NoS work.

Hopefully this helps all of you very frustrated NoSers like me who are rapidly losing hope.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:46 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi History Teacher.
Sorry for the frustration!
I personally find that NoS only works for me in losing weight, vs maintaining, if I add in regular exercise.

Great to hear your husband is being so supportive.
I also find that if I eat very processed foods high in salt, I can go up 3 lbs in one day.
You will turn it around!
Peace and Love
8) Debs

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:25 pm
by cvmom
Hi Debster!!!!! Glad to see you here! How's life?

Hello History teacher, (You have my dream job, by the way, I mean it!) If I look at your measurements it looks like you have lost inches. Are you exercising? I'm sure you know that body weight is only one of the many components to gauge progress. How are your clothes fitting? How do you feel? Do you have better energy eating only three meals a day? How is your stress level?

It sounds like you are doing everything right. And if you are limiting those trips to Starbucks for the weekend that that's a good thing.

I know that No S works, but I also know that it's not a quick fix. I make myself nuts if I weigh every day so I only measure once per month.

Like Deb said, exercise is good for you and should help. I personally enjoy doing Ttapp. ( There is a NoS thread over there too if you want to check it out.

Don't give up yet! Okay?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:20 pm
by blueskighs

those are great numbers changes

for past 7 weeks my weight has fluctuated 2-3 pounds, however my body fat percentage is steadily decreasing, while my lean body mass is steadily increasing and pounds of actually body fat is decreasing.

So.... if i had not been checking my measurments/body fat I would think nothing is happen even though my clothes fit better and I look much more toned, there is something about being able to have that objective validation that supports the visual body changes,

so glad that you are going to hang in there!


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:39 pm
by CrazyCatLady
Thanks for posting this! I DO think that I am looking somewhat better, even if the pounds are coming off very slowly. Now I wish that I had measured inches!

Keep up the good work, HistoryTeacher!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:10 pm
by resting52
Thanks for posting this encouraging note. It is exactly what I needed to read this morning.


Now I've Done It!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:19 pm
by zeahpug
Okay....been thinking about digging out my measuring tape and hadn't really taken the time to find it.
I just took my measurements and will keep you posted. Thanks for the motivation!