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Holiday in Turkey reinforces habit!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:22 pm
by bonnieUK
Hi peeps!

I've just got back from holiday in Turkey, very lovely place and people! I thought you might be interested to hear about the food there!

The hotel I stayed in served breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea (with cake) and dinner at set times, and I found this meal pattern really reinforced my No S habits! It also broke the day up nicely, eating outside in a nice garden helped too I'm sure.

For breakfast I usually took 1 large plate of whatever was vegan from the buffet (usually fried potatoes, salad, bread & watermelon)

Lunch was usually a potato and/or spinach pie plus more bread, and dinner was another plate of whatever was vegan from the dinner buffet, with yet more bread.

Most afternoons I had tea or Turkish coffee but didn't bother with the cake (usually too full of bread from lunch).

At dinner times I was spoiled for choice - each night the hotel served 1 meat or fish dish with about a zillion vegetable dishes and salad accompiniments and of course mountains of bread. I didn't feel at all deprived skipping the meat dish and loading my plate with veggie foods and salads. The food was similar to Greek food, they even had my favourite stuffed peppers on a few nights. Nothing like quality over quantity!

Of course we had the obligatory baklava a few of times but it wasn't much to my liking (dripping with syrup, a bit too sweet for me!).

Many of the hotel guests were locals and I noticed hardly anyone taking seconds, but I did observe that people ate a lot of bread on the side.

This is probably the first holiday I've had where I didn't go crazy with food LOL

I'd definitely recommend Turkey, if not for the food then for the amazing beaches (I've not seen sea anywyere else that gets 3-4 metres deep but remains completely clear all the way to the bottom, amazing! and nothing like swimming to burn off the baklava calories LOL).

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:11 pm
by OrganicGal
Sounds awesome all around Bonnie. I envy you. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:15 am
by blueskighs

that is a GREAT No S story,
thank you for sharing it with us!

Sounds like you had a great trip!


Where in Turkey did you go?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:26 am
by Over43
I spent 3 weeks in Turkey once: Ankara, Ayvalik and Cappadocia.

Also spent a day on Lesbos. Turkey is a wonderful country and I'd like to go back. If I go again I'd like to go to Gallipoli, Troy and Istanbul.


I forgot, in Ankara every cafe seemed to be named Iskander's.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:40 am
by kccc
Hiya, Bonnie! Missed you, but sound as if you had a WONDERFUL reason to be gone! :)

Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:28 pm
by reinhard
Sounds great, on all counts!

I would love to make it to that part of the world some day...

For a diet, no-s travels remarkably well. There are no special required foods or statistics that may or may not be available. And it might even be easier if you're visiting places where traditional meal based eating patterns are more intact.


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:05 pm
by 3aday
I am glad you had a great visit.
I am going in the winter.
My husband is from Istanbul and his family still lives there.
He went to college in Ankara.
He is my Turkish Delight!