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Here I am where the rubber hits the road!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:28 pm
by Hungry Girl
I almost have this thing figured out but not quite. I know when my brain is responding to old ingrained habits. Sometimes I am able to steer around the wild beasts within, but other times I still cave right in and have that muffin or scone or whatever is calling my name. And it really feels like hunger althoughI know it can't be.

If i can't stick to this diet I don't think i'll be able to stick to any diet. There's just one more trick I have up my sleeve. Didn't Reinhardt say that when you design your own plan you really are motivated because its your baby? Maybe I will have to do that - design my own plan.

Hungry Girl.

PS I really like the H2Orange thingy. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:39 pm
by No S Dieter
I know where you are coming from. Reinhard is correct. Designing my own plan and what works best for me has been a big help in following the No S Diet. Everyone's lifestyle is a little different and no two people will follow No S exactly the same. Reinhard has given us the basics for a successful way of eating and tweaking to suit the individual is what makes it so successful. When you find something that works for you, (A Tweaker) share it with all of us. You never know how many others it may help!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:44 pm
by Joelle
I know what you mean about a craving feeling like hunger. Like your STARVING, right? I find it sometimes helps if I stop and put my hands over where my stomach actually is and see if that is where the feeling is coming from. Usually it's not. But I also agree that everyone has to find his or her own way if this is going to be a "for life" change. Best of luck to you!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:47 am
by rose
How often do these failures happen?
NoS does not require perfection...
2-3 red days per month are not a critical issue especially if you don't binge.

Now if there are really too many failures, or if you are really tempted very strongly too often, it may help if you try to analyze these failures or near-failures... do they really happen at random or is there some common factor?
Perhaps you can develop some simple strategy in order to minimize temptation such as hiding the food away, getting busy with something else, avoiding standing near vending machines or sweet-smelling bakeries, buying sweets on S-days only and by the unit only to make sure none is left over...

PS: I am not sure if even the most hardened No S dieter is able to withstand a really strong temptation. Generally speaking I think there is much more temptation in our lives today than in previous centuries or even decades. Think vending machines, frozen sweets, constant advertising...
To me it is perfectly normal that we are not always strong enough to resist. So we can either accept that there will be some failures, or develop a really strong willpower (er...?? well really strong habits) and in the meantime take steps to avoid being exposed to too many temptations. Not always easy to do when excess has become the norm, but I think it's worth it. Life is so much easier when you are not constantly struggling not to eat something. Out of sight, out of mind.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:46 pm
by Hungry Girl
Thank you all for you feedback! I am feeling a little saner today especially with my new secret weapon aka H2Orange.

Hungry Girl 8)

Screen Name? & H@Orange Tea

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:10 pm
by la_loser
It just occurred to me. . . Won't it be great to feel like you need to change your user name to Contented Girl--or Satisfied Girl!? :lol:

Glad you're liking the H2Orange. I had my first H2Orange when I woke up prior to going to my morning pool workout; finished the 24 oz. when I came back. I'll have a late light breakfast since I know my schedule will be a little off later in the day. My peach tea flavored H2Orange is great for helping me delay a meal a little while if I need to.

I bought a dozen or so Propel flavored water bottles (10 for $10). The cool blue 24 oz. bottles have a great twist-top "sipper" cap. My family drank the water and I saved the bottles! I made up a gallon of the Peach Tea H2Orange yesterday and filled up about a half dozen of my bottles to keep handy during this hot weather we're having! Sometimes I'll freeze a half-full bottle than add some more of the drink to keep it cold during the day so that it stays cold and during the course of the day, it melts.

LA Loser

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:20 pm
by Hungry Girl
And you could be LA WInner! :D

Winner to be. . .

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by la_loser
Touche', Hungry Girl -- that could be our joint goal. . . I've got about 50 or more to lose so my new name may take a while but it is gonna happen!

LA Winner-to-be!

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:38 am
by Hungry Girl
We're both gonna do it! I am starting over as from today!


Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:58 am
by gratefuldeb67
Haha you guys are cute ;)
Hope you both reach your goals and become content winners!
8) Debs

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:40 pm
by rose
I thought LA loser meant "someone who loses weight in LA" :wink: