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Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:20 pm
by connorcream
I have been nos 3 months and have had no loss. I haven't gained either which is also nice and this time frames includes vacations, family celebrations, etc... Only a very few red days.

I am a lifetime member of weight watchers have the key in my drawer (twice hit goal) and also a South Beach successful dieter veteran. I am 45, 5'8" tall female, 7 children and want to lose 25 pounds.

I maintained for sometime after each diet but there would be intense periods of business and a SAD or accounting based diet takes time that I was not willing/able to spend. Also the different foods required was hard to come by at events. The guilt of not eating on plan was taxing. When Reinhard talks about maintance being the hardest part, I totally agree. So slowly I would gain again. I weigh once a week for years and I need to put it on graph like others here have done.

I was drawn to nos because of the notion of virtue- the practise of a habitual good- and the simple equation of calories consumed vs calories used.

I have stopped snacking which is a tremendously good thing. I like the increased time no snacking has given me for other things. No preemptive strikes with string cheese or nuts. No going into a panic if I was out and it was snack time. I was intrigued with other cultures approach with snacking. I remembered as a child my dear mother did not run around getting me one. She didn't send one into school. Neither did my grandmothers. The phrase "it will spoil your dinner" brought me back to my younger years. How often that was said. And neither myself, siblings or friends were fat, lethargic, or whiney. We ran around all afternoon then came in and happily ate our dinners. Snacks did ruin my appetite. But it was supposed to be healthier so I didn't really pay attention. This is the biggest & best change.

I like the accountability of one plate. It is a lot like my cash envelopes and budgeting. I know at a glance if I am overspending or not because I can see the money. I never had extra servings on the table, I like my table pretty with linens and flowers, so if one wants seconds, one has to get up to get it.

I like fruit for dessert like I used to. I like sweets even more on special days. I like not having the scale be a god. And I am exercising every N day and just started shovel glove yesterday for increased calorie burn. All of these things I find successful.

My life has just taken a very busy turn again and nos is allowing me to address my weight in a sane manner while addressing the needs of my family. In fact, I would be even heavier if I hadn't started this. Much easier than WW or SB. These are my only attempts with diets. The results can go slow, I have the time, or if I don't have the time I wouldn't want my last few months or days spend on tallying food.

I also liked the fact Reinhard is a German programmer. In my life before being a SAHM, I was an electrical engineer (masters) and I have a German maiden name. Two of my sons, 16 & 19, will be A+ certified by the end of the summer. My oldest son when he was 16 was Microsoft certified. DH is a physicist. Lots of science/computer talk in the house.

Reinhard, God bless you and yours.

connorcream (cc)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:56 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Good luck Connorcream! :D
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:18 pm
by reinhard
Thanks for this post, connorcream!

As you point out "no gain" *is* progress for most of us, especially during vacation/celebration heavy times. I'm very happy you have the composure to see it this way and are genuinely enjoying no-s -- this is at least half the benefit.

Gottes Segen mit Euch allen auch!


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:50 pm
by connorcream
And may God’s blessings be with all of you!

Though for the sake of honesty, I didn't translate this myself but went to a family member. Thanks for the lovely contact with him.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:19 am
by CrazyCatLady
Welcome, Karen! I'm so glad that you found us, and that No S helped throughout your busy times. :D You have a great attitude!