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Helpful info site

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:02 pm
by Dawn
I subscribe to a site called and get an email everyday with loads of great ideas for low cal foods. They review all the latest "diet" foods and fast food items and let you know what is actually a pretty good choice and what you should run from. There are a lot of snack ideas, but we can always use those for S days. Lisa, the gal who runs the site is really nice and will email you back right away if you have any questions. Although they do offer a lot of reviews and such on snacks, Lisa has mentioned many times that she isn't much of a snacker, gee maybe that is why she is a slim gal - ya think?

So there ya go, something to add to your arsenal.

Love that site

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:02 pm
by vcanfield
I love The site owner just came out with a new book. I think she has some good ideas on helping with the moderation aspect of things. I like looking at her recipes because sugar is my nemesis.