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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:35 pm
by babyprrr
I've recently started eating couscous salad for lunch instead of sandwiches because 1. it's more interesting than a sandwich and 2. i thought it'd be healthier and lower in calorie.

However today after some calculations I've found out that my portion of couscous ( half a cup dry) works out to be about 370 calories whereas two slices of bread would be only about 200 calories!!

I am quite annoyed because i always thought couscous was a 'healthy' food?? And if anyone regularly has couscous I'm sure they would agree that half a cup really isn't that much!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:17 pm
by wosnes
Are you using a couscous with a flavor packet? If so, switch to plain couscous and add your own seasonings, etc. Plain couscous is 220 calories per 1/3 cup dry and 230 cooked (the serving size is 1 cup cooked). That's the Near East brand.

I don't think something has to be low in calories to be healthy -- or even a "healthier" choice than something else. From my perspective, the pre-seasoned/flavored varieties of nearly anything are less healthy than the plain varieties. It doesn't take much time or effort to add your own seasonings to cooked grains.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:10 am
by Mavilu
Yeah, as Wosnes says, regular couscous is about the same as pasta when it comes to calories, given that couscous has the same composition of pasta: semolina and water.
But even so, if it's too many calories for your tastes, then, don't have the salad every day and voila!, problem solved. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:41 am
by Deedee
But do you really want the couscous? That is the question! I wouldn't want it everyday - just as I wouldn't want a sandwich every day.

That's what I love about this way of life - you only have one plate per meal - what's it going to be? Make it count. Make it delicious. Don't make it a mathematical exercise in calorie counting.

Mix it up! Eat different foods. Last night I had samosas and salad, tonight is a delicious home grilled hamburger. Lunch was a fruit salad with cottage cheese.

If you really want the couscous - have the couscous - but do enjoy it!

Please don't take offense - none intended - just meant to point out the fun of 3 meals a day!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:19 am
by ThomsonsPier
It is higher in calories, but a higher proportion of those calories are from protein rather than carbohydrate. I believe the selection of vitamins on offer is also much improved.

Accounting for sandwich fillings / couscous accompaniments, therefore, should balance out overall when you consider the nutritional value of the meal.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:40 pm
by bonnieUK
Is it wholewheat couscous? I think most couscous available in supermarkets isn't, but I've seen the odd wholewheat one, I've tried it and it tastes the same to me but has slightly less calories per cup due to higher fibre content. A good way to make couscous go further is to mix in lots of salad or veggies. I have a Turkish friend who makes a couscous style dish (I think it's actually bulgur wheat, which is pretty similar) with tomato paste, onions and lots of shredded lettuce which is very nice :)