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Introduction - Re-starting NoS

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:23 pm
by joy&balance
Hi everyone,

Like many of you, I have been on a variety of diets, both with and without success. About two years ago, I completed a very restrictive, intense diet and exercise program and reached a weight that I liked. Since then, I have put back on 10-15 pounds (depending on the day) from where I'd like to be. My goal now is to get back to that more comfortable weight, but do so in a way that is sustainable, not torturous.

I tried No-S for a few weeks at the beginning of the summer (was a lurker on the board). While I loved the sanity it provided me in terms of food, my weight went up a bit, and I panicked and quit. I know that the slight weight gain is normal on No-S, but I have been a slave to that scale number for so long that it was hard to live with.

So, I have come back to pursue this as a simple, reasonable, sustainable way of eating and exercising that will ultimately result in me losing these "last few pounds". I am going to focus on behavioral results rather than scale results. So to start, I am going to tackle the two primary habits that tend to be problematic for me - snacking and scaling (being a scale slave). I'll deal with sweets and seconds later (I think these are more minor for me). I am confident that if I can stop my mindless eating (e.g. bite or two here and there off kids' plates, snacking when not hungry, etc.) and stop eating/not eating/having a bad day etc. based on what the scale says, that I will ultimately reach a lower weight that is maintainable. Plus, I know that I will feel better about my eating habits and weight, regardless of how much (if any) I lose.

I welcome any thoughts or advice you may have. I've appreciated reading everyone's posts - many of them have really hit home for me.

Iamhappy :D

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:53 pm
by Phineas
Being brand new to this approach (Day 2!, but no stranger to dieting / exercise), I am in no real position to offer much in the way of advice, but I do wish you all the best and truly hope that you find a real and ongoing solution here. I'm a bit of a slave to the scale myself, but have learned through what used to be disappointing trial and error that the natural ebb and flow of the average human's weight , while normal, can sometimes seem extreme and thus frustrating. Even the most fit person's weight can fluctuate several pounds inside the same day! I guess all I can offer is a general, and somewhat cliche, do what you feel is best and what you know you can stick with and with a little work, the rest will take care of itself.

Good luck to you, and I look forward to hearing more from you!

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:32 pm
by Deedee
Been there - done that! Time to move on and step away from the scale!

I have been noSing for about a month and I can tell you it's the best thing since sliced sourdough!

I have not stepped on the scale yet - but it was only yesterday that I put on my size 6 slim-fitting skirt and the zipper just flew up - no tugging, no tummy bulge. Not only did it tell me everything I needed to know, it was a powerful reminder that the scale is just a tool best used for measuring gold.

What if I would have stepped on the scale and it said I was 3 pounds up - how would I have reacted? Well you know, all the wonderful positive food experiences and learning would have been undone in a second.

The skirt told me everything I needed to know.

I have had such a blast on the program - I am eating things that I would not have allowed myself for a long time. Some new favourites:

1. Perogie Dinner - about 4 perogies in melted butter, with a heap of carmelized onions and grilled turkey sausages on the side. A wee bowl of sour cream as a topper.

2. Blueberry Bran muffins - not the giant size, but the standard 3 oz size served with a wee bowl of full fat cottage cheese.

3. Lunch was a Mushroom-Leek savoury tart (found at a local deli) oven warmed served over a bed of greens - with just enough room for melon on the side. I even artfully decorated about 8 potato chips on the edge of the plate.

Not only do I not believe in scales I do not believe in Low Fat. Everything I eat is full fat - yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, milk and cream for my coffee. My body is thanking me. The NoS plan makes full fat make sense.

I could go on - but if I could give you one bit of advice - stick with the program for 1 month before you even think of stepping on a scale - just follow the plan and it will work out. I promise.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:53 pm
by joy&balance
Thank you both so much for the welcome! And I loved your story about the skirt, Deedee. Congrats! :D

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:24 pm
by jennyp
Just going through a few older posts and....WOW Deedee!!! You are an inspiration!!! Great job!