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It really is that simple

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:28 pm
by Joelle
I went to a lap-band surgery seminar with a friend last night. Guess what the Dr. said was his goal for patients after surgery? 3 meals a day, no snacks and limited sweets! I told my friend No S could save her $6000.00 and some scars. Thanks again, Reinhard.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:29 am
by Me Too
Did your friend listen to you? I sure hope so.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:25 am
by blueskighs
Guess what the Dr. said was his goal for patients after surgery? 3 meals a day, no snacks and limited sweets! I
Wow Joelle, that is great information!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:53 pm
by BrightAngel
Prior to my gastric bypass surgery 15 years ago,
my surgeon's advice for diet post-surgery was:

"Eat 3 meals a day, one-half of each meal is to be protein, and eat nothing in between those meals."

I told my friends about it, and they also said

"Well, then just eat that way now, and you'll get thin without any surgery."

Here's the issue.
I could not make myself eat like that Before the surgery,
and, to date, I still can not make myself eat like that After the surgery.

The surgery physically changed my body so that it will not tolerate large amounts of food at one time.
In the 6 months immediately after surgery,
my maximum tolerance was about 300 - 700 calories in a 24 hour period.

Now, 15 years later, if I have a tremendous binge,
my maximum tolerance is about 3000 calories.
Pre-surgery I could eat 10,000 to 15,000 calories in a 24 hour binge.
I have never purged.

My personal long-term history was that before my surgery,
I would do very well for 5 to 10 days, eating about 1200 or so calories a day,
and then I would have a day or two of a massive binge and an enormous calorie intake.
This would make my average calorie intake much higher than my average calorie burn,
and I continually gained weight.

20 years of professional therapy has not not resolved my Binge Eating problem.
However, the physical change to my body, through surgery, has allowed me,
together with diligent effort,
to achieve a healthy normal weight and to maintain it.

My gastric bypass surgery was a wonderful thing,
even with all of the risk, pain, and expense.
I know far more about the difficulties now, than I did then,
but I would do it again without hesitation.

Every person I know who has had the surgery
(and I personally know many)
also has told me they, too,
...even knowing the difficulties they would experience....
would do it again without hesitation.

During the past 6 months or so that I've been experimenting with No S,
I've begun to notice that many people, who seem to be good at 3 meals and no snacks,
state that they experienced this as normal behavior in childhood,
and they feel they are returning to normal.
I'm now wondering if some of my difficulty in following through with this concept
might be that even my earliest childhood always included frequent snacking,
and 3 meals a day with limited or no snacking was never a normal part of my life.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:15 pm
by Me Too
I had a very confused childhood, spending time in two different households.
My single alcoholic mother was always to drunk to remember that there was a child in the house who needed food to survive. When she did remember to feed me, I knew enough even then, to overeat, because I didn't know when this strange occurrence of clarity would happen again.
Then at my Auntie's she was the topical homemaker and loving caregiver, who always made sure I had 3 good meals a day, very little snacks, well I did get to lick the bowl and spoon when she made cakes and such. So for years being shoved back and forth like a ping pong ball between the two households, I had developed a very distorted view of food and love. Eventually my Auntie won out and I got to live with her until her death.

So my eating as an adult was kind of feast or famine, and developing issues around food and love, that I never knew how to deal with until I found No S Diet.
Sounds funny but Reinhard has given me permission to eat like my Auntie cared for me way back when times where happier and I felt loved. :D
For me there is a great sense of security in eating the No S way.