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New from the NC East Coast...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:57 pm
by amieru
Hello..I am Amie, mom of 3 and wife to Ray. I live in NC rite on the water. I am about 90 lbs over my ideal wght. I, too, am the fat sister out of all my sisters and brother.
I have been around reading everyone's posts off and on for several months. When I read Reinhard's book.....I had one of those "aha--duh" moments! This is exactly the way I ate growing up. Mom fed us 3 meals a day and we didn't snack between meals because it would ruin our appetites. She was aliittle more relaxed about it Sat. and Sundays. In fact, Sundays --after church and dinner we would cook up a special dessert. I was never overweight growing up and never thought about diets, ever!
It was in my 20's that I slowly started gaining. I then tried TOPS, W.W., Slimfast, Atkins and back to W.W. thru the next 15 years.
I have reached a point in my life ----looking back over the past 20 some years----how the years have flown by and how many times I refused to go to a particular function , Family Reunions, even school functions because I was ashamed of how I look. I am sooooo tired of living this way.......soooo exhausted thinking about diets and how much I weigh, on and on and on. I just want to be Normal. I don't want to have to think if I'm eating too many carbs or what diet will take it off the quickest.
I read excerpts from the No S book to my 15 year old ( it has hi-lited sentences all thruout) and she started following it. No 2nds, no snacks and no sweets, just 3 meals a day. She has been doing it for about 4-5 weeks and has been so true to it. She doesn't weigh herself ( not that much over her ideal wght) but she has had to pull her belt in 2-3 notches now and some have asked her has she lost weight ! She said Mom, it is so easy and I don't even have to think about it. She does eat more on her S days and doesn't fret nor really think much about it. She said it's become a habit and her stomach has shrunk because when she eats 2nds on S days she gets too full!!
I love reading y'all's posts. They are so encouraging. I am ready to come back to what I knew all my years of growing up....Normal is the NO S WAY !!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:17 am
by rose
Welcome Amie!
No-essing with your daughter :D good job! Now she is on a good track and you can give each other support.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:47 pm
by amieru
Thank you Rose for the welcome! Enjoyed looking at your progress chart too. AMIE

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:54 pm
by resting52
Hey Amie,

Welcome to NoS! This is the wisest, safest place to be. I love it!

Was just at the NC coast-would rather be listening to the waves hit the shore than just about anything else. Do you pick up shark's teeth? We live mid-state NC.

I know you will enjoy this NoS journey!


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:05 pm
by amieru
Thank you for the welcome resting52. We live about 1 1/2 hrs from the Outer Banks of NC. The town we live in is very small, about 2,000 folks. We live on a small creek. We have a boardwalk thru the marsh that leads out to a pier on the creek. DH fishes and we like to canoe and kayak. It's a slow laid back life here!!
My 9 yrs old loves to find shark's teeth. Anytime we are around gravel or small rocks she hunts for them.
Looking forward to this No S journey with all of y'all here. Thanks!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:13 pm
by Floridagirl
This is my first posting. My sister has been using this plan for several months and has made great progress. She shared it with me on a sister's vacation in Vermont. We went with our third sister from NC. I have tried many times to loose weight. Sometimes I have been successful but then put it all back on. I just cannot count points, calories or fat grams forever. I will be having my previous knee replacement revised in about 2 weeks. The other replacement is doing well. I also have diabetes and high blood pressure which would be better without the excess weight. It just seems overwhelming when I realize that I should loose about 70-80 pounds. I did not put this on overnight and will not loose it quickly either. My ideal weight would be the weight I was before my children and the oldest is 28. I have 2 green days and am working on the third. This seems like a plan I can stick to so here we go!!!! :P

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:56 pm
by amieru
Florida heart goes out to you about the knee. I ended up having surgery on my left knee 3 yrs ago and was out of work for 6 weeks. I didn't have to get a replacement ...just other work done. The doctor got on me then about being overweight.....not helping the knee....he said!

My oldest girl is 24 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She is in Dental Hygienist School. How far is Jacksonville from where you are?

Maybe we can encourage each other. That's great being on your 3rd green day. AMIE

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:01 pm
by blueskighs
amieru and Floridagirl,

WELCOME! have ya'll had a chance to check out the book? it is great, huge help and good, easy read, i highly recommend!


oops! amieru, see you have already read it!

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:44 am
by thephatsister
Hello! I read your post and I think you are my twin LOL! I am the heaviest in my family and I feel that they know it and I get "the looks" from them. My sister has even gone as far as to put on her Instant Messenger, Big Sister as in age not size. How mean can you get? She has 2 girls the exact ages of my 2 girls but is also 2 sizes if not smaller than me. It's just not fair. Some people are naturally skinny and then others like myself are not! I never had a weight problem until I had my first daughter. Then I gained 65lbs. and only lost about 20lbs. Not hard to figure where the weight has come from. Then we had our second daugher but that time I lost most of it but it still left me about 50 lbs. over what I was. I wear an 18 and I used to wear a 12. I would be thrilled to fit into 14's for the rest of my life!! I have become lazy and I think I just love food. I need to realize that we eat to live not live to eat. I have high hopes on the NO S diet. I did WW about 2 years ago and I did lose but the day I stopped WW it ALL came back and quickly. I am looking for a permenant solution. This may sound harsh but my Big Sister, as in age not size, is pregnant and I am thinking while she is gaining I will be losing and then in the end we will meet in the middle. I love my family and I want to make them proud and I don't wish for anyone to be heavy but I am just tired of it being me!! I am going on Day 4 and I am very positive about this being it!! No more slacking. I hope I haven't bored you too much. It is nice to vent to someone in the same situation in their family. Good Luck!!

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:29 pm
by amieru
Thank you for the welcome blueskighs. I really have enjoyed your daily blog and the pics of what you eat ! You seem to be so full of life and great encouragement to folks that post here.

phatsister, I wanted to quote a sentence but don't know how to bring it up here.....I'm new to posting and don't know alot about computers. But you said: "I read your post and I think you are my twin LOL! I am the heaviest in my family..."

... phatsister, I thot the same when I read your post a few days ago! My sisters don't say anything...but it sure irks me when they talk of how they are gaining some wght and they wear like a size 6 or 8. I mean they'll put themselves down sometimes.....I think, wow, they must think I look really huge.

You haven't bored me ! I guess I'm venting too. My Mom is fighting cancer 3yrs now and is still taking Chemo. It's not growing....just staying the same. She had the worst breast cancer one could get....Invasive Breast Cancer. She's a fighter tho. I would really like to get this off....she tells me all you have to do is eat less and don't snack and the weight will come off. I want the weight off for me, but also to make her proud.

I like the NO S way. I do great all day but really struggle between 6-10:00pm. It's just a habit, because I'm not hungry in the least. Sooo, I haven't had total green days yet....but I'm NOT giving up! :!: Reinhard says in his book "...Don't beat yourself up, just hit the brakes hard!"
He also says habits can be changed. Chapter 6 in his book is one I have to look thru often. I may fall, but he says expect it...get up, brush your self off and keep going.

I'll shut up ..... everyone have a good day! Amie

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:39 am
by thephatsister
Hello again!! Keep up the good work. I went and bought some Extra gum last night b/c I too love snacking at night. It is sad but I used to plan my evening on what I was going to watch and what I would eat. It was like a reward. It is a daily struggle not to go and get something to eat b/c it would be good. I would eat all of the time b/c we had it never b/c I was hungry. I seriously love food. It is sad.
My younger sister is getting married in August 09 and my older sister will be having a baby in May-June 09. I don't want to be the fat sister at the wedding especially after my sister just having a baby. I am going to go strong until then to prove to everyone that I am not fat and lazy. I feel the same way about my sisters as you do. My older sister always talks about what a "fat cow" she is and she wears a 10! Get real. I know that I have a weight problem and I am finally doing something about it. I just love food and I don't love exercise. I need to reverse the roles. I look forward to hearing from you. I don't have many in my life that quite understand me. By the way do you watch Biggest Loser?? That is my all time favorite show!!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:02 pm
by amieru
thephatsister wrote: It is sad but I used to plan my evening on what I was going to watch and what I would eat. It was like a reward.

I would eat all of the time b/c we had it never b/c I was hungry. I seriously love food. It is sad.

. By the way do you watch Biggest Loser?? That is my all time favorite show!!!!!
I know exactly where you're coming from. I have a few favorite shows to watch at night and it seems when I sit down to watch them....I need something in the mouth ! I guess that is called a habit. Habits can be changed.....I used to have ice water w/lots of limes or lemons and my word search puzzle bk to occupy my mind and hands when commercials come on. That is what I used to do to quit night time eating. Now to get back to doing it.

Yep, same here. It's like the cookies are here, sooo I'll just have some. It tastes good for the few minutes......but later....why did I eat that? It really wasn't all that good.

Yes, I watch the Biggest Loser show. I did miss it when they went to the Grand Canyon. I took 4 kids to the County Fair about a hr away from here.

I was watching on Discovery Health two shows last nite about really obese people that go to these weight loss places....similar to a Hospital....where they are monitored. It really saddened me to see the suffering they go thru. It hit home with me...... I don't ever want to have to go thru that.

Have a good day. Amie

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:23 am
by thephatsister
You didn't miss much on Biggest Loser and the Grand Canyon. You can go to and watch the shows though. I am for the couple who got to go home to their 3 boys as a prize. Can't think of their names but hers might be Michelle. I wish I could go to the Biggest Loser for like 2 or 3 weeks and I would be happy. I have no self control. I am into the do it now see results now!!! I need to gain some patience. I really need to get into a fitness routine besides the NO S's. Have you ever tried Curves??

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:09 pm
by amieru
thephatsister wrote: I wish I could go to the Biggest Loser for like 2 or 3 weeks and I would be happy. I have no self control. I am into the do it now see results now!!! I need to gain some patience. ??
Yes, me too!! I told my husband and my 2 daughters living at home I'd love to go to Cal. and do this. The girls said....NO Mama..we'd miss you so much....and DH said.... we can't be w/out you that long. But-----yea it would be nice even if it was for a few weeks. The thing is I think it would be hard to keep up that pace of exercising once out. I think they work out 6-8 hrs. a day.

The nearest curves here is 35 minutes away. I've never joined since it is that far away. We have a very, very small gym here where we live. I've been to it.....and will be starting my membership back.

I've had a bad reaction to some chemo creme on my face. I've had a skin cancer cut out above my right eye. I then had to go thru some chemo creme called Efudex and after my 14 day period I was to quit and let it heal. Well, I started putting Neosporin on the red places and it reacted bad. I now have raw skin on my face and in alot of pain. So, I'm just trying to get thru each day the best I can. It will heal tho !!
I had alot of sunburns as a teen and I guess this is the result of it all. Thank goodness, it isn't the really bad kind...the dr. said it was the slow growing kind that did not spread to other organs. Come to find out my grandmom on my dad's side went thru this too, except hers was all cut or burned off. So much for my blabbing.

I've read some pointers that Mike Thurmond has said that I really like. Walk an hour a day and work with weights or bands 2x per week and that's really all the exercise one needs. As you get alot more fit you can walk/jog and increase the resistance on the bands or lbs on the weights.

Phatsister, how are you doing with the 3 meals a day? My 15 yr old is so faithful to this. I'm really proud of her!

When it comes to weightloss, we all want to get rid of the weight NOW!!!
Patience is definitely something I am working on.

Have a good day :D ........guess what? You can eat whatever you want as far as snacks, sweets or seconds...... Just be really picky and eat just the BEST......what U really..... really...... desire. :P I will !! :!:

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:44 pm
by CrazyCatLady
Welcome, Amieru! I'm so glad that you found No S. It has really made a difference for me. I hope that your face is healing...sounds like you have had a lot to deal with lately. (Did you remember that sick days count as S days?) I had some sick days some ways I did great, like just eating a banana as an extra snack one day, because I wasn't eating much at meals. But the day that I ate copious amounts of candy corn is not one that I am proud of! :oops:

I was very painful to read in your intro that you have missed some of the fun events in your life due to concerns about how you look. :( That is so sad to me. I have struggled with feeling dumpy from carrying all of this excess weight, but when I look around I see women (and men) who are so much heavier than I am, but look beautiful and well dressed. And I love them for who they are, not for their shape. I think that truly accepting your current size and shape, and realizing that you are wonderful just as you are is a key to being able to overcome. You are a beautiful vivacious woman now, and you are worth taking the time to feed yourself properly, and go for walks or exercise. And really, go to those parties and get togethers!

One of the many great things about No S was that instead of looking into mirrors with discouragement, I could look into them and know that I will never be this large again. I am finally on the downward trend, and while it does move slowly, it feels great!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:03 pm
by amieru
Thank you for the welcome CrazyCatLady.

Reading what you wrote brought tears to my eyes. You sound like my 24 year old daughter. She tells me those kind of things too.

I was a Hairstylist for 15 years. I missed out on sooo much of my oldest girl growing up......not going to alot of school functions with her because I was so busy doing other people's hair.
Feeling dumpy and fat .... I would just stay busy at work.....I worked all the time....Hairdressers put in alot of hrs....

I had alot of regrets when looking back. So, due to my husband's inheritance, I was able to retire from work and be at home for the other 2 girls. It's funny now, my oldest is in Florida in college, but she calls alot.
She said, Mom even tho you weren't a SAH mom for me you are availabe to me now any time I need you. So I'm glad you are home now.

I have been retired now 2 years. It took me almost that whole time to realize I don't HAVE to go to work...I kept thinking I needed to go to work. I couldn't relax about it. Customers kept asking me if I was going back to do hair, etc... I have now made peace with my regrets and now am working on loving me just as I am and realize I am a work in progress.

Thank you for your kind words. :)

My face is now pink all over, no pain except on the corners of my lips. I have to keep Vaseline on my face all the time until the new skin grows over. I don't ever want to go thru this again! :!:

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:23 am
by Silky
Welcome Amie - while I'm from NJ, I'm currently vacationing on the coast of NC! (Oak Island, NC) with relatives and friends. My hubby and I haven't been here for 2 years and we're really enjoying ourselves. I started NoS in Sept and have been enjoying the simplicity and sensibility of it. Yes, back to basics of my childhood as well. 3 meals a day and no snacking, with Sunday usually being a 'special' meal day.

While on vaca, I haven't done a lot of snacking, although I have had a few seconds here and there (my uncle is a great cook). DH and I have continued to walk everyday and today my aunt and I are going bike riding while the guys go golfing.

Welcome to NS. Like you, I've tried just about every diet known to man, woman and child. Will return from vaca on the 20th and will be back into the full swing of things.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:10 pm
by amieru
Thank you for the welcome Silky. I don't believe I have heard of Oak Island! It sounds like y'all are really having fun.

My brother in law likes golfing but my husband doesn't. He's what they call a country boy with his hunting dogs and guns. He takes 5 weeks of vacation in the Fall to hunt with his buddies!

I've had a few green days with No S. My habit I need to change is the night snacking. It's getting better tho. :?