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Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:03 am
by spongerobert
I read the No S book and thought it was great. A matter of fact, everything made sense to me. I have been at No S for about 3 weeks and today I weighed myself and the scale was the same. My doc wants me to lose 30 pounds based on BMI. I do not think I could ever stay at the weight he picked for me. I love the oatmeal for lunch, that was suggested in the book, but does anybody have any good breakfast ideas? No, I have not been writing down my daily information like it was suggested in the book; however, in my mind, I have been sticking with the No S Diet plan; however, I am going to start recording my information. I actually, up to the scale part, thought I was looking better and got a couple compliments. Also, I enjoy my morning 15 minute workouts because I feel a sense of accomplishment. I am open to suggestions. :(

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:33 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Spongerobert (hahah)
If you have been exercising the whole time you probably have lost fat and been gaining a little muscle. Muscle is much heavier than fat.
I suggest you measure yourself as well so you don't get totally focused only on the numbers on the scale.
I like English muffins with eggs for breakfast and sometimes I'll have leftovers from dinner the night before.
Occasionally I'll have sliced up fruit and yogurt with crumbled up granola on top.
Keep at it and hope things start to move on the numbers front.
They should in time. Be very patient.
NoS is built for comfort not speed.
8) Debs

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:17 am
by Merry
gratefuldeb67 wrote:I suggest you measure yourself as well so you don't get totally focused only on the numbers on the scale.
I've found this true for me too--sometimes I can lose inches and not lose a pound. If you are getting comments about looking better, you must be toning up & that's a good thing. I wonder if your BMI has changed, it sounds like that's possible.

Anyway, hope you start losing soon & find some good solutions!

Merry :-)

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:42 pm
by howfunisthat
First, I eat homemade granola & raisins almost every morning....sometimes with milk, sometimes with yogurt. It fills me up & I rarely want anything before lunch as a result.

Secondly, hang in there!!! Debs wrote, "NS is built for comfort, not for speed.", and I'd agree 100%! This is a plan you can use for the rest of your life....and one of the reasonsfor that is that right now you are not dieting, but changing your basic eating habits. I don't think there's a diet out there that can truly do that...except this one. Be patient with it and you'll be amazed at the difference in yourself.

Thirdly, I agree with what's already been've probably already changed your BMI so your weight will follow. I completely avoid the scales because I get discouraged too often, but over the 76 days I've been on this, I can wear clothes from the back of my closet, have put away my largest clothes, and, best of all, I'm learning to be in control of my food instead of my food being in control of me. Stick with this...don't give up...this really will work....just give it 100% and more time....I think you'll be happy you did.

Hang in there!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:54 pm
by kccc
If you are getting compliments and feeling better, you're doing very well! The scale is only one metric, and not a reliable one at that! You are probably gaining muscle and losing fat, which is GREAT from a health perspective. (And obviously, from the "looks" perspective as well.)

There's a very funny cartoon in which you see the same guy standing on the scale at age 20 and at age 50. In the latter one, he's thinking with satisfaction that "I still weigh what I did in college." However, though the numbers are the same, the "bulge" has moved from the chest and biceps to the middle! That cartoon really illustrates how the scale doesn't give the whole picture.

Also, many people experience a brief GAIN on No-S, as they bounce back from diet-eating. However, if they stick to it, they see good results over time.

No-S more gradual than most plans... but that's because it's LIVEABLE.

So hang in there. You sound like you've made a really good start. Don't let those deceptive numbers derail you.

Re: frustrated

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:50 am
by clicklbd
spongerobert wrote:I read the No S book and thought it was great. A matter of fact, everything made sense to me. I have been at No S for about 3 weeks and today I weighed myself and the scale was the same. My doc wants me to lose 30 pounds based on BMI.
I don't think BMI is that useful in assessing weight loss. It's just your weight compared to your height. If you were a muscleman, your BMI would be high, even if your % bodyfat were low. So as others have pointed out, if you've lost fat, but gained muscle, your BMI might stay the same even if your % bodyfat has dropped!

I haven't lost that much according to the scale, but I almost had a pants failure today, so clearly my waist and hips have shrunk!

Re: frustrated

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:50 am
by Merry
clicklbd wrote: I don't think BMI is that useful in assessing weight loss. It's just your weight compared to your height. If you were a muscleman, your BMI would be high, even if your % bodyfat were low. So as others have pointed out, if you've lost fat, but gained muscle, your BMI might stay the same even if your % bodyfat has dropped!

I haven't lost that much according to the scale, but I almost had a pants failure today, so clearly my waist and hips have shrunk!
Is there any kind of online calculator that could help me determine BMI or % body fat?

Merry :-)

Re: frustrated

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:02 am
by clicklbd
Merry wrote: Is there any kind of online calculator that could help me determine BMI or % body fat?
BMI? Yes. TONS if you google. Here's one I found:

Unfortunately, % body fat is not so easy. There are a few ways to do it, but the most accurate method involves dunking your body in a tank of water (and a professional calculates the %.)

They do make scales that supposedly calculate % body fat, but they can be affected by the amount of water you drink (or are retaining.) Calipers are another method, but I don't think they are considered as accurate as the water dunk method.

Personally, I'd go by measurements. It's not really critical to know your % body fat, I don't think.

You might look for Blueskighs -- I think she has her % body fat taken. Ask her what she did.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:59 am
by wosnes
I don't pay attention to BMI, % body fat, or weight. I think we're obsessed with numbers. I do pay attention to how my clothes fit and how I feel -- as well as moving more and maybe eating less.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:06 pm
by blueskighs
To measure body fat I have two ways, one is the thing at the gym i do about once a month and then i have measurements and a chart that i got out of a book "protien power" where you use the abdominal, hip and height measurments to caluculate with some constants, for the most part, both measurements are similar, so i suspect there is a fair degree of accuracy, and of course it shows trends :D but really you can safely assume that if you're measurements in your hip and abdominal area for a female are going down so is your body fat,


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:07 am
by gratefuldeb67
I just take a tape measure to my waist....
And then cry..
hahah :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:44 am
by Merry
wosnes wrote:I don't pay attention to BMI, % body fat, or weight. I think we're obsessed with numbers. I do pay attention to how my clothes fit and how I feel -- as well as moving more and maybe eating less.
Yup, I am :lol: I just thought this one might be fun to know. I do track my inch-loss weekly as well as loss on the scale (which moves more slowly). It takes a long time to drop a size, and it encourages me to see inch-loss & know I'm making some kind of progress, LOL!

Thanks for the ideas, everyone!

Merry :-)