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Hope this works.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:18 pm
by JerryLee
Hello all, I stumbled upon this site while looking for a rational eating program, and thought I would give it a try. A little about myself, I am a 40 yr old married male. I was overweight my entire life, and in 2000, I hit 400lbs and decides if I wanted to be happy or ever have sex, I would have to do something. I watched my calories and became an obseeive workout machine. I lost 200lbs in 8 months, found a wife and had a kid. Since my marriage 3 years ago, I have lost my motivation and have gotten back to 350 lbs. I have a big frame and my doctor told me I need to be at a weight of 245 to be healthy. I did the low carb thing (my wife was on that diet ) and it didnt work for me. I know the problem is mental for me, and if I can find the right program of diet and exercise that I can get this done.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:23 pm
by blueskighs

WELCOME! There is a LOT of hope in NO S diet. It is an uncanny way of eating that can lead you to a healthy and joyous relationship with food and eating and positively effect every other area of your life, especially relationships and work!

Kind of amazing.

Don't worry about weight loss per say, focus on building the HABIT and I think you will be amazed by both the inner and outer transformation you can acheive over time!

GOOD LUCK! Hope you find a "home" and way of life that will work for you here,

Also, if you have not read the book, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:01 pm
by howfunisthat
Hi JerryLee,

Ditto everything Blueskighs said!

Reading the book is really important as it will give you more of the reasons behind why this pllan will work. I think it was essential for me to understand the plan and be motivated to do this.

And don't be a stranger to this'll find great information and wonderful support around here...

