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Has anyone used Curves??

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:27 pm
by thephatsister
Just wondering if anyone has used Curves and if it has been successful? I really need to add some fitness to my plan and Curves is the closest gym? I almost joined a few years ago but I am undecided in if it really challenges and produces results. Anyone used Curves?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:44 pm
by SassyInkPen
I haven't used it, but I know someone who did for a while and liked it pretty well. I think money issues keep her from going now.

From what I know of it, it's circuit training involving a lot of weight machines, correct? IF they allow you to set your own weight (and they should - I would find out for sure), then it ought to be as challenging as you want it to be.

Strength training is one of the best things you can do for your body, IMO, and I believe it helps a lot with losing weight.

The other option is to buy some free weights and workout videos - I AM a big fan of those and use quite a few, and I can assure you....they are CHALLENGING. They cover the full range from beginner to advanced, and of course, the amount of weight you use makes a big difference too.


(Who is also the fat sister. My sister has a fantastic body and it just slays me)

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:30 pm
by winnie96
I did belong to Curves for about a year. It was a good way for me to get into the habit of strength training, but after awhile, I just didn't find the workout challenging enough. There was no way to adjust the resistance on the machines when I went there -- may have changed, not sure.

So, I too bought some free weights, set up a weight routine from an old Jane Fonda VCR tape, and have been happily doing that for almost five years.

I wouldn't discount Curves, though, especially if you are just beginning, or like the social aspect of working out with other people, or need to get out and go someplace to get it done. The staff at the Curves I went to was very helpful as far as the workout itself, as well as motivation.

(But I must put in a plug for Shovelglove, which I added to my repertoire about two months ago -- way fun, makes you feel like a million bucks, and when I do my free weight routine, I notice that I have already gained some strength).

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:32 pm
by SassyInkPen
Hee! Yes I should have mentioned Shovelglove! I've been doing that for about a week and I ADORE it! It's a lot of fun, it's a great full body workout, and it cost me a grand total of $15.00 for the sledgehammer.



Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:46 pm
by dai479
I know a couple of people who went to Curves and liked it OK. You basically just move around in a circle from station to station doing various exercises. (I got to see the inside workings of a Curves working on a computer in one of the clubs.)

Like SassyInkPen says I think Shovelglove would give you just about as good a workout and cost a lot less.

One on the main draws of a "club" is having people around for motivation. It can be beneficial to you if it helps you, but with the right self motivation you can save money with Shovelglove.

75 Year Old Mother loves Curves

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:48 pm
by GW
My mother in Florida has been going to Curves for the last 8 years.

All I can say is that the place changed her life! She was always on the heavy side, but through Curves she has lost at least 30 pounds, she has as much energy as a 10 year old.

My father passed away last June and I know by going to Curves and having that sense of community there has helped her.

When my father was in the hospital last May, he tried to get out of bed and began to fall. My mother, of course, tried to catch him and fell too. She pulled a hamstring in one of her legs. When she went in to see the orthopdic surgeon on Monday he could not believe that a 74 year old women who had a severe hamstring pull (her entire back leg was black and blue) walked into his office and was not in a wheel chair.

When my mom comes to visit us in Wisconsin, she always brings her Curves membership pass. She can not go more than a few days with out her Curves fix.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:25 pm
by mel1974c
I loved Curves when I was going a couple years back. I only left because they club I went to was closing and I was moving away. The clubs near my condo were missing a few of the machines that I liked best, so I couldn't find one in a convenient location that had the tools I was looking for. It is a 30 minute workout that goes by SO QUICKLY because every 30 seconds, you switch to another machine. THe faster you do the exercises, the stronger the resistance. You really get to control your workout.

I think it is a great place to go to make sure you are doing a full body weight routine. I know for myself at home, I tend to do a few things adn skip what isn't comfortable.


Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:56 am
by doulachic
I just started back to Curves about two months ago and I love it! I haven't lost much weight (I really need to get back to NOSing!), but I've lost about 10 inches so far.

It is a circuit training, as was mentioned, however they now have something new called Smart Curves (I think). The machines are now hooked up to a computer, all your info (weight, etc) is entered into your own account and you are issued a key tag...every time you go to a machine you enter your key tag and it adjusts the resistance based on your last workout...if you are getting stronger then it will progress you and make the workout more challenging. After your workout you can log onto the computer and it will tell you what areas you need to work harder at, how many calories you burned, etc. It is really amazing. Worth checking out anyway. :)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:01 pm
by Blithe Morning
My MIL used to do Curves and lost weight on it. It works for some, not others. I take fitness classes and bike a lot. You have to find what works for you.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:56 pm
by TingTing
Curves is an excellent women's gym. When I was at Curves, I was never bored. I also like the fact that I don't need to wait for class to start, I just go to the first machine and then work my way from there. I did feel myself getting a little stronger and the workouts are always good.

The big problem is that it is very expensive to join Curves where I live. That was the one thing that really put me off. After Curves, I never joined another gym again. If they ever lower their membership fees, I'll probably join again.