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Quick brag about yourself...

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:56 pm
by ~reneew
I'm new here and need some incentive. Please quick brag about your loss to get me going and encourage others!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:04 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hahah that's funny!
You will love this. Give it a few months and see how you like it.
My first year I lost 17 lbs and that's because I only had about a %75 success rate, and I failed on average once if not twice a week.
The board is very supportive and there is no aggravating calorie counting or food group excluding..
People who did this more strictly generally lost about 25 to 40 lbs over a year.
S days are fun and N days are really not any kind of horrible deprived thing, just normal eating.
Good luck.
8) Debs

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:17 pm
by gingercake
My brag is that when I'm practicing No S I'm basically cured of compulsive/binge eating disorder. It is very nice not to be worrying about food 12 hours a day!

Re: Quick brag about yourself...

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:05 pm
by Merry
~reneew wrote:I'm new here and need some incentive. Please quick brag about your loss to get me going and encourage others!
I've been No-S-ing for 5 weeks as of today. I've lost 5-6 lbs. (2 the first week, 1 most other weeks, one week I lost nothing). I've also been doing T-tapp for exercise, about 15 minutes per day, only 3 days a week (sometimes on other days I've done other things like walking or working in the yard). I'd really like to get the T-tapp up to 4 days a week but so far haven't made it. But the loss I've had has been mostly effort-less--no starving or counting calories or having to think whether I'm "truly" hungry vs. eating emotionally--it's either meal time or it's not, LOL! I love not having to decide all the time.

And, I posted in another thread that I turned down sweets 3 times this week on N days and I didn't really mind. I don't know who this person is, as the person I know is a chocoholic, LOL! I've never not been hungry for dessert. I could have made room for it--but I didn't feel like I *had* to. I'm enjoying not feel controlled by sweets. I even made it through my cycle without my usual mad-dash for junk food, LOL!

Merry :-)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:31 am
by howfunisthat

I've been doing this since the last week of July. Before that my life has been a series of failed diet attempts my entire life...I'm 48. I remember a dr. telling me that should lose 5 pounds when I was 5. I've emotionally eaten my way through life...and yo-yo dieted forever. I just don't remember a time when food & weight loss was not controlling me....until now. I've lost enough weight to wear clothes from the back of my closet...enough that I think I'm about 20 pounds down...but I don't weigh myself since the numbers depress me. But more than the loss of weight, I've gained a sense of control....on the vast majority of days I feel as if I'm in control of my eating instead of food controling me. This is absolutely unbelievable to me that after 48 years I can have be experiencing this much internal change in just about 3 months. I still have days when I struggle to follow this plan, but want to eat this way for the rest of my life...and I can because the plan is transforming me from a chronic dieter to a normal person! Wow...what's better than THAT?

I hope these posts help....don't be a stranger...this forum is full of wonderfully supportive people....


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:43 pm
by blueskighs
This is absolutely unbelievable to me that after 48 years I can have be experiencing this much internal change in just about 3 months.
Janie captured this really well. The profoundness of the NO S diet is that you can EXPERIENCE REAL CHANGE in a short period of time ... for those of us who have struggled for years ... and/or most of our life ... this is simply invaluable,


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:43 pm
by Mavilu
Quick brag?, alright.
I've been on and off bed and doing nothing but sitting around when up for about three weeks now, I've been eating nothing but fast food and frozen meals (husband does NOT know how to cook more than eggs) all this time and I haven't gained a single pound, in fact, I could swear I lost some weight.
Three weeks immobilized and eating fast food; before I would have put on about five pounds or so, well, not anymore!.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:18 am
by pickle
I'm still new to this so I can't brag on weight loss (yet!). Here's what I'm most proud of right now:

For the past few days I haven't felt guilty about eating!

I think I could get used to this new relationship with food. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:39 am
by Kathleen

Here's the incentive: weight management will go on autopilot, and you can focus on more enjoyable things, like enjoying your family.
