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Happy Halloween 2008

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:18 pm
by reinhard
You know it's funny, for the first time since I started no-s I'm tempted not to take Halloween as an S-day (don't want to mess up my habitcal stats any more for October!). But I think I will anyway -- just so no one else feels guilted out of enjoying the "S-day par excellence." (And I'm sure I'll feel sufficiently tempted when I'm staring down kit kats and almond joy's later this evening).

For your intellectual delectation, Posts of Halloweens Past:

2004 (reposted from yahoo group):






Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:53 pm
by la_loser
And so it is proclaimed-this day shall be called S! S'Halloween! Ooh, that probably has negative vibes to it!

Since I've joined this movement since last Halloween, I'd thought about whether or not to call it an "S" day. . . rocking between "I'm an adult and that's just silly to rationalize this is an S day just because there's candy everywhere!" to "We're all kids at heart and in the spirit of celebrating with the kids/grands, shouldn't we join them?"

So yes, I'm going to make it an non-idiotic S evening and plan for the same for the weekend. I've bought ten varieties of candies and have asked everyone in my house to rank their favorites. . . we'll give out their least faves first so the leftovers will get to home with my son and family! Get it out of my house!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:23 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Well I for one am eagerly awaiting seeing what Richie bags tonight cos I could use a couple of twix myself :)
I told Richie he can have as much candy as he wants this weekend and the rest is getting "donated" after Sunday ;)

8) Debs

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:41 pm
by Mavilu
Happy Halloween, everyone!.
I already caved in and had some candy last night :? , but it was great, because unlike past years, I was actually able to stop after a few mini bars, I've learned that even when caving in, I've changed.
I hope it's the same for everyone here, maybe when you have your candy tonight, you'll have a relevation about yourself!.
I wish you all a wonderful night, have fun!.

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:10 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hahah I just looked through the past years links you posted Reinhard :)
I totally forgot about that "lame" treat Richie got in 2006!
LOL ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:08 am
by BeingGreen
Thanks so much for these posts. I was totally torn about today (like Debs). I thought I could make it just another N day, since the weekend starts tomorrow, but with all that candy spread over the table tonight while my kids examined their loot--it was a little too much for me.

Then I planned to stick to just a couple of mini candy bars, and it turned into a few more mini bars :? Overall, it was probably no more than than the average person might have consumed on Halloween, but it was more than I planned and that was a little discouraging.

On the bright side, I did not go totally out of control and will still have my 'S' days tomorrow and Sunday as planned. By Sunday, I'm sure I'll be ready to donate the left over candy!

Re: Happy Halloween 2008

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:22 pm
by Merry
Too fun to see the past years' halloween posts. And I love what you said about not obsessing about overeating on holidays--just accept it, give yourself that day & move on. Cool!

I did take Halloween as an S day--but it's my usual S day (I do Tuesdays & Fridays) anyway! So glad, one neighbor we know did baking for the kids who would know her--bars were still warm from the oven!! Wow! And huge, so the kids split them with me :). And I had a few whoppers that my son gave me. Didn't buy candy as there was no one home to give it out. It was a beautiful night here & many people were sitting on their porches giving candy out. We walked a mile.

Now today I'm trying to resist the remaining whoppers in my desk, LOL! They'll keep though. We did see all the 50% off candy in the stores but nothing said "you have to buy me" today, thankfully :).

Merry :-)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:53 pm
by Blithe Morning
I took Halloween evening as an S day and had this watershed moment. After doing NoS with varying degrees of compliance for six months, I have realized that I shouldn't have candy anymore. It is too much of a trigger for me; pull it and my idiot goes off. Other sweets such as baked goods and ice cream don't seem to have that effect on me.

It's kind of a relief, actually, to make this decision. In the whole Woman V. Candy fight, I was losing round after round. But, I won the game by quitting which is what matters.


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:47 pm
by harleybrewer
Hi all, I am new to this No S diet been doing it for about 3 weeks now, I did'nt take Halloween as a S day because I figured that Saturday was only hours away, but it took alittle effort not to grab a piece of candy. I took my little one out trick or treating and got more than acouple of miles walking.
so far I have only failed twice, this is the easiest diet I have tried did the counting thing worked well for a year but then I thought I could just eyeball it and slowly the weight came back as I did'nt pay enough attention. I ended up where I started. So far I have lost 11 pounds and have stared excercising again.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:27 pm
by reinhard
Well, I definitely had more than an ideal number of kit kats, reeses peanut butter cups and (most irresistible of all) butterfingers (what on earth do they put in those things? -- don't answer, I'm sure I don't want to know). But I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am not in the least bit worried.

My 4 year old daughter was Dororthy, my 17 month old was (a dalmatian) Toto. I was apparently Uncle Henry (a grey shirt was enough -- I imagine the requirements may get more exacting in coming years).


Welcome! And congratulations on your striking success so far.


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:55 pm
by clicklbd
reinhard wrote: My 4 year old daughter was Dororthy, my 17 month old was (a dalmatian) Toto. I was apparently Uncle Henry (a grey shirt was enough -- I imagine the requirements may get more exacting in coming years).
Oh, those 4 year old girls...I have two, who were princesses. They informed my husband he had to be the king and that I had to be the queen. We escaped narrowly this year, but I know next year we are in trouble!