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Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:56 am
by ReadyForThis
So the No-S diet is appealing to me because I can actually enjoy my meals. My question lies with the amount that I can have during a meal. I feel I am eating too much. Should I portion control my meal or after awhile on the diet will I naturally stop eating so much. I have done everything exactly the was the diet says. I haven't weighed myself and I don't intend to, but I feel as though I have gained weight. Has anyone else experienced this? will it stop feeling this way. I know it's only been four days, but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thanks

Worry about the amounts after you have the hang of it!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:04 am
by la_loser
Welcome to No S! You'll find lots of support here.

When you have time to surf the site, you can read some of the old discussion boards and lots of clarification for the questions that those who are new to No S are curious about. Also, get the book if at all possible--not absolutely necessary since a huge part of it is on the No S homepage anyway but it does flesh out (bad choice of words!) some details and it's kind of nice to have it sitting around as a reminder!

The following are quotes directly from Reinhard on the No S homepage-they might help you answer your current dilemma.

What do you mean by "seconds?"

As I mentioned in a post to the No S diet group, by "no seconds," I officially mean one physical plate, and I think for beginners especially it's good to stick with this, even if it means a fairly overloaded plate. If the amount of food on your one plate is a little bestial and disgusting, that's part of the educational process.
I want to start this diet NOW. What should I do?

Keep in mind that the first three weeks are the hardest. At three weeks the auto pilot of habit starts to kick in. Until then, make your portions sufficiently generous so that you aren't tempted to cheat. Once you've made it a few weeks without violating any of the literal rules, then you can start scaling the portions down a bit (though you may find, as I did, that you don't even need any conscious intervention on this score). The most important part is your mind. Once you get that lean and tough, the body will follow.
So at first--don't worry about the portion size so much; you have to train your body first to eat your one plateful per meal even it the plate is really a plate FULL! This way you begin to realize you can make it from meal to meal without snacking. Trust me, after a while, you will begin to scale back without even thinking about it. A friend who is also doing No S just dropped by my house a few minutes ago after a potluck banquet she was in charge of. She said she'd been worried that she'd be tempted to overdo it--and was happily surprised that after her plate of food she was actually satisfied. . . and that was a first!

When I began I still used our regular dinner plates-not humongous ones but dinner plates nonetheless. . . I've now graduated down to a good sized "salad" plate. There's still plenty of room for a good square meal!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:57 am
by Kathleen
I have started to eat less, but I'm on Day 61. With some of my initial meals, my 12 year old literally stared at my plate in amazement. My 7 year old pointed to one plate and told me that I wasn't following the diet because she saw two snacks and seconds (a second burrito) on it.

Last night, I had one normal to large helping of a meal and an apple. I did not feel deprived in any way all day. My weight is now down 8.6 pounds since the start of the diet, and my experience with dieting has been that my weight boomerangs back up. I don't see this happening with this diet because it gets easier over time. The hardest time by far was the first week.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:46 pm
by veggirl1964
I am also waiting for my portions to become an appropriate size for one person. Right now I eat dinner like a Sumo-wrestler-in-training. I have finished my first two weeks and it is getting slightly better. The first two nights, I literally hid my plate from my husband, because I was so embarrassed by the sheer quantity on it.

I am hoping that as I begin to trust that I can be full enough on a smaller portion, they will become smaller. Right now I am still fearful of not eating enough and wanting to eat a snack a couple of hours later.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:25 am
by resting52
Ha! I've been doing this since April and am finally free enough to logically, gratefully make my plates look NORMAL. It just took time to get here but there were no short cuts for me.


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:02 am
by veggirl1964
Thanks for posting, Resting. I don't mind if it takes time; I just needed to hear that it is possible!

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:29 pm
by bizzybee
I am back re-starting this thing, but did make it 15 days one time and I can say that in week 2 my plates were already looking less packed. The first week I ate huge meals because there is a moment that you realize you only get 3 chances each day to give your body what it needs. I remember being a little embarrassed by all the stuff precariously balanced out to the edges of my plates, maybe I need a pear, and I should have some soup!

And then you figure out that being a little hungry at meal times is a good thing and that corn flakes will not hold you for 6 hours but eggs and whole grain bread will and gradually your meals conform to the diet without you having to over think it much.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:56 pm
by ReadyForThis
thank you everyone who posted. I know it's only been five days, but my portions have already decreased (slightly). I also feel better about myslef I just wanted to make sure I wasn't backtracking and was going to gain weight instead of lose. Thanks again!