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S days and beer.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:05 am
by JerryLee
There are 2 things I am truely passionate for, The Vikings and Beer. I am doing only 1 "s" day a week, and am making it Sunday, and not for snacks, but for too many beers while watching the Vikings games. I will extend the extra "s" day when the Iowa Hawkeyes make a bowl game. I prefer Guiennes to chocolate, and believe they probably have the same caloroies, SKOL VIKINGS and GO HAWKEYES.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:06 pm
by urbansix
This caught my eye as I am doing Glass Ceiling and NoS at the same time. I was also really tempted to give myself an S-day for Glass Ceiling.....3 instead of 2, just for the weekend. But for now logging a Fail for 3-beer Sunday. :x

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:52 pm
by reinhard
A passion for beer is perfectly compatible with no-s.

See "glass ceiling" for more details.


Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:29 pm
by bizzybee
I have decided to make beer / wine an S day thing. My main reason is that looking back I have an issue with having 2 beers and then snacking. I wouldn't have thought I had the issue until I looked back at N day failures and observed a pattern. I rarely (like I can't remember the last time) have more than 2 drinks at a time, so my issue is definitely about lowered resolve.