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Added benefit of NoS

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:10 pm
by JerryLee
I have found I am saving money because I am not hitting the vending machines at work for snacks or soda. I am also bringing my own breakfast and lunch because it is easier to control my portion size which saves me money from the plant cafeteria.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:23 pm
by Me Too
I too have found that I spend less on groceries lately. I don't buy snacks. I plan my 3 meals a day for a week and buy accordingly. Less meat, more fruit, veggies with beans and grains.
Funny nowadays I leave more at the store than I buy.
I just walk around the store and say no to this, no to that, I'm on the No S, and it works.

So thanks to Reinhard we are paying more on our credit cards. :D

budget meals

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:00 pm
by oolala53
Good observations, JerryLee and Me Too.

I'd been packing lunches long before no S-ing and have often gloated over the comparatively high quality of those meals over what is available for more money. I have three plastic containers that are each divided into three compartments so I can keep the yogurt away from the entree and such. The three together are about the size of a dinner plate, so they're perfect for no S-ing. I generate a lot less trash that way, too, but that is my own issue. I have been spending less just by not buying the binge junk in the afternoons, which was my biggest issue. I tend to keep my credit card bills down, so I splurge sometimes on organic meat or chicken instead. No S-ing: good for the body, good for the mind, good for the budget, good for the planet. Now let's get Reinhard to work on world peace!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:01 am
by blueskighs
I have found I am saving money because ...

truly amazing amounts of $$$$$ have been saved in our household since I started nosing ... binging, snacking, overeating, traditional dieting ... all that stuff is expensive ...

the only problem now ... the BIG HUGE COFFEE HABIT I have started ... :shock: thank goodness for "glass ceilings"!


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:04 pm
by connorcream
We have saved $$$ as well. Gosh snacks add up and they come in so many permutations. Eating real food which can be bought on sale. Nice. Fruit for dessert instead of usual prepackaged cookies or brownies. There are many reasons to enjoy nos.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:19 pm
by reinhard
Yeah, they don't call it the No $ Diet for nothing. :-)
