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My first ever S day!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:44 am
by alanajuliana
Well, I had five green days in a row this week, and today was my first ever S day.

I'm SURE I had too much sugar, but I get the sense that I'll iron things out as the weeks go by.

My treat today: Pie!

I had a slice of Sarah Lee Cherry Pie with my lunch, and that was good. Then, this afternoon, I made an apple pie sweetened with stevia (so it's sugar free) with a gluten free crust for my daughter who is on a gluten free diet.

Yeah, I had a slice of that this afternoon, and another with dinner (of which I did not take seconds).

So it's sort of a sweet and sort of not a sweet. Well, with no sugar, I guess it's NOT a "sweet".

But then there was that cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows.

So, two real sweets today, and an afternoon snack. Those were my S's.

But I must say, I LOVE how I feel when I eat NoS style, and I NEVER in my life thought I could go from lunch to dinner without snacking, but I can. Woo Hoo! I'm so proud of myself.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:12 am
by JerryLee
I actually dread s days, I feel like I am cheating myself and indulging too much. All and all this diet is helping me quit alot, but like you said in another post, being overweight is very psycological, and we need to conquer that first before we can lose the weight.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:12 pm
by BrightAngel
JerryLee wrote:. . .being overweight is very psycological,
and we need to conquer that first before we can lose the weight.
Most of us have emotional causes for our food and weight issues.

However, I frequently remember something I heard in a Lecture.
The speaker said
that insisting on an understanding of the reasons behind such issues
before taking the obvious steps toward an immediate solution,
is like,
someone standing on the Titanic while it's sinking, and saying:
"I'm not getting off this ship until I find out WHY this is happening."

This was helpful to me and has influenced my life in a positive way.
I've found that most any such illustration works.
When one is in a burning building,
one runs out immediately,
and deals with the cause of the fire later.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:23 pm
by winnie96
BrightAngel wrote:The speaker said that insisting on an understanding of the reasons behind such issues before taking the obvious steps toward an immediate solution, is like someone standing on the Titanic while it's sinking, and saying: "I'm not getting off this ship until I find out WHY this is happening."
Wow, what a wonderful, helpful thought! The next time I get all tangled up mentally with some of my more irrational food issues, instead of digging myself into an even deeper hole, I'm going to think of this quote -- I know it will help me see the forest for the trees.

Thanks much, BrightAngel!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yes that's an excellent story and quote Bright Angel.
Very empowering!
Love it :wink:
8) Debs

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by gratefuldeb67
ps.. Jerry, give this some time, and you will learn if you accurately track your weeks on Habitcal, that your overall progress and success *won't* depend on the S days, no matter how seemingly indulgent they are.
It's the N days that count here. Pure math.. Five good days, two indulgent days.. It balances out!
It took me about a year to totally come to the conclusion that S days won't mess you up. I wish I could find the post, but Reinhard said something like at a certain point S days not only became guiltless, they were also fearless, because he *knew* that they weren't doing bad things to his weight.
Congratulations on your excellent work and your 20 lb loss!!
Good for you! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:57 am
by blueskighs
I'm SURE I had too much sugar, but I get the sense that I'll iron things out as the weeks go by.

I am SURE there are many weekends I had to much sugar, but it is AMAZING how keeping your N day greens balances it all out over time and does a "whammy" on your palate ...

CONGRATULATIONS on your great start!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:14 pm
by BuckeyePink
My first S-days:

Sat - Egg nog, twice, small glasses. Med. root beer with lunch.

Sunday - Italian creme soda from Olive Garden. Blech. Don't order that in the future!

Baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in the evening. Ate three of those for "dinner" and drank egg nog. The remainder of the cookies are in the freezer for a social gathering later this week.

I also had this nagging thought that "I don't really need this." on Saturday, especially. The cookies I really wanted to bake. Egg nog was hubby's idea.

My next thoughts are to only have solid sweets instead of liquid, because I felt crummy on Saturday pm, coming down so fast off the corn syrup rush.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:44 pm
by reinhard
I don't recall my first S-day, but I'm sure it was a more horrific orgy of excess than anyone has every dared to report here.

Glad you enjoyed yours! The more you enjoy, the more successful you'll be.
