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Getting in Touch with Hungry and Full

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:30 pm
by NoelFigart
I've mentioned on some of my online forums that I'm doing No S. (I have a Livejournal and being a writer and a bit of a recluse, it's a source of a lot of social contact for me).

I am amused at how often people talk about how three meals a day Just Wouldn't Work for Them.

One of the questions that should be absurd, but isn't when you think in the context of how people are encouraged to eat these days is:

Aren't you hungry by mealtime?

Of course I am. That's the point of a meal - to satisfy hunger. You're supposed to be hungry for your dinner, for heaven's sake! But if you never know hunger, you really never know satisfaction.

And that's the flip side. The sensation of properly full after having actually been hungry feels really good. It's my theory that's why we often overeat or stress eat, to try to catch that feeling of relaxation and mild relief you get after a good meal you were physically hungry for.

Thing is, you've gotta actually be hungry and need the food to get that response. A snack won't produce that feeling. We don't realize it in our culture because all too often, we're snacking all the time. We're never hungry enough to produce the appropriate tension to have the relief. (Yes, I could make a somewhat more earthy analogy, but I'll leave it to your imagination. But you get the point).

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:38 pm
by Blithe Morning
Excellent insights, Noel. The right amount of food nourishes us physically and emotionally. The wrong amount wrecks us both ways as well.

Re: Getting in Touch with Hungry and Full

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:52 pm
by Brian Delaney
Yes, great insight. Its that sort of see-saw between hunger and fullness, desire and satisfaction. We're trying to get the yin without the yang.

I notice when I'm stressed that hunger is difficult.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:19 pm
by babyprrr
I totally understand what you mean. On sunday night after lunch I ended up snacking all day right up to dinner. I had a chicken curry from my favorite Indian for dinner which I was really looking forward to. However come dinner time I found that I couldn't stomach more than a few bites because I was so full from all the snacking and actually felt physically sick.

I never thought I'd say this...but hunger is good! When I snack all day long or have two meals too close together ( a late lunch and an early dinner for example), I find I actually miss that gnawing feeling of hunger.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:07 am
by burlsgirl
I totally agree with this post. I have been surprised to find that what this diet has done the MOST for me is to help me relearn the feelings of hungry and full.

This weekend was my first S weekend. I snacked constantly. By Sunday night bedtime, I felt literally nauseous. And the food I ate at mealtime didn't taste good because I was really full already.

I would not have thought I could ever say this, but I actually prefer to eat at mealtime only, when I'm actually hungry. I think that from now on the S that I'll look forward to will be sweets.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:07 am
by blueskighs
what this diet has done the MOST for me is to help me relearn the feelings of hungry and full.
ditto for me! somewhat ironic, isn't it?
