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What Color are Your Holiday Containers?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:06 pm
by NoelFigart
No, I would never be so tacky as to try to sell anything here. Stop looking at me like that! (But I'm an SEO writer and I often think in cheesy sales terms).

I suspect that there are a lot of people here who have a big ole feast on a holiday, feel bad about it and then decide that they're just not gonna think about good habits until the holiday season is over or until some date is reached.

I do.

With the Habitcal (God, I love that, by the way), there's this strong visual image of containment around S days. I was thinking that I want my holiday containers to be green this year. No jumping the gun on the holiday, no letting it bleed over to another day, but neatly containing the fun of my S-days in the proper place with nice green containers on either side.

A lot of us worry about S days so much. I'm overweight enough that I don't really think weekends or holidays is or has ever been my problem. For me, it's definately the bad weekday habits. For me, I'm going to be working very hard indeed on N days until it's quite ingrained. I figure that the holiday season will be a fun challenge because it's very clear. Thanksgiving is a holiday. The day after Thanksgiving isn't -- etc.

I'm a little concerned about the week of Christmas because I'm going to be visiting my family, but only a little. In reality, there's only going to be one N day while I'm there -- Dec 26th. I figure I can not snack and not eat cookies and stuff for one day, and if I exclaim over Mom's wonderful tea or coffee selection that day, it would hardly even be noticed. If that doesn't work, I'll just tell her what I'm doing. We actually used to run a weight loss center together before we got disgusted with the pressure of keeping our weight down. She'll be sympathetic to attempts at moderation, I think, even though we're generally not moderate people.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:12 pm
by connorcream
Thanksgiving is a holiday. The day after Thanksgiving isn't -- etc.

Very true. Same for Dec. 26. My SIL had a pumpkin triffle that I had not tasted yet. Aside from the sweets on Thanksgiving, N day habits ruled.

We were sitting around on Friday night at her house and I thought it would be rude to her to not try it. Though I hated having to mark the day red, I preferred that to hurting her feelings.

A small slice and the rest of the day was strictly green. Saturday/Sunday wasn't going to work because we were gone. So I bit the bullet, took a red, and was able to tell her honestly that I liked her baking.

Weighed myself today and up a pound so now I wish I hadn't. I feel very confused.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:37 pm
by NoelFigart
Do you not take Saturday and Sunday as S days?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:37 pm
by blueskighs
So I bit the bullet, took a red, and was able to tell her honestly that I liked her baking.

would it have been possible to take a slice "to go", claiming "not hungry" or "no more room" eaten it on an S day and then get back to her and let her know how delicious it was?


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:25 pm
by gratefuldeb67
connorcream wrote:
We were sitting around on Friday night at her house and I thought it would be rude to her to not try it. Though I hated having to mark the day red, I preferred that to hurting her feelings.

Weighed myself today and up a pound so now I wish I hadn't. I feel very confused.

I'm sorry you feel confused. I would say a pound isn't very significant, and most likely wasn't due to one slice of cake anyway.
In the long run, it's the endless days like this and the habit of having cake or sweets *every day* that you want to nip.
I commend you for doing the kind thing.
Have a good week. That pound will be gone in no time :)

Oh, I also thought Blue's idea was a good plan if you find yourself in this situation again in the future.

8) Debs

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:02 pm
by connorcream
would it have been possible to take a slice "to go", claiming "not hungry" or "no more room" eaten it on an S day and then get back to her and let her know how delicious it was?

As we would not be having any more meals together- traveling to another city on the way home and the car stuffed full of presents I thought the dessert wouldn't make the trip. And then I knew she had made it with my family in mind so I got squeemish. Otherwise, I usually say, Can I take it to go or avoid it altogether as most situations no one really notices.

I chose to count it as a red day as I had not planned on it being a NSW beforehand. One of my very few red days. Gosh I hated checking off the red tab.

Blueskighs and all, thank you for you thoughtfulness.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:17 am
by blueskighs

did not realize you were "traveling" that would make it more difficult, sounds like you handled it well,
