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Today,hunger has pushed me "off the wagon"

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:02 am
by john
I have been following the principles of the NoS diet for several months now. I have lost the weight I wanted to lose but one thing that I have not lost is intense hunger between meals. I have been trying whole milk and the H2Orange drinks suggested. I have even slipped in a fourth small meal to reduce the time between meals . I cannot greatly increase the size of my meals because of moderately severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I have been avoiding snacks by sheer will power. Today I just fell off the wagon and gobbled up an entire bag of corn chips.

The no snacking part of the diet is my problem not the "seconds" or the "sweets". I would appreciate new ideas. I see now that my hunger between meals will not go away and I know that I will not fight this battle endlessly . I regret this because I do like the results. I am buying a second copy of the book for my daughter so would really like to be able to share a solution to this major problem I am experiencing.[/u]

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:29 am
by TexArk
I am really too new to this to be giving advice. That would be presumptuous of me I realize. But I just wanted to ask...If you can only eat small amounts at a meal due to health reasons, why couldn't you have 5 small meals a day? A bag of chips is not a meal of course. If you are truly hungry and you have not been fooling yourself because you have lost weight, maybe you do need to eat more frequently, but not snack. It helps me to up the protein at meals. I last much longer with more protein and a little fat.

Maybe someone more experienced can chime in here and help you out.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:39 am
by gratefuldeb67
Also, do you drink enough water?
Dehydration can disguise itself as "hunger" as the brain interprets it in a similar way.
Try upping your intake of water.
I agree that protein and also whole foods are very important in keeping hunger at bay.
Congrats on your weight loss John!
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:43 am
by NoMoreDiet
HI. I, too, feel maybe I'm too new to be giving advice, but I will tell you something I've been experimenting with. When I did NoS before, I had intense hunger pain between meals, and I emphasize INTENSE. I started reading how acid can do this. I searched for quite a while to see what would help the acid problem. Out of pure accident, I came across a bottle of something called Stomach Formula. It's mainly aloe vera. It's amazing how soothing it is to my stomach and immediately takes away the hunger pains. I really hope this helps you as much as it does me. I feel as long as I have it around to help relieve this hunger, I can do the NOS. Good luck!

Stomach Formula-reply to my "off the wagon" topic

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:50 am
by john
This aloe vera product called Stomach Formula looks very interesting. When I googled it I got a number of different products all sharing the same name. Which one did you discover by accident? I want to make sure I try the one that has worked for you. Where did you buy it and who manufactures it?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:09 pm
by NoMoreDiet
The one I picked up was from our local Martin's Grocery Store. I have also found it in our health food store. It is made by Lily of the Desert. I think plain aloe vera gel would work (made of course to be ingested.) This particular one I drink has other ingredients that are soothing for the stomach: slippery elm bark, peppermint, ginger root, etc. I can honestly say I can now go without snacks because I don't have the intense hunger pains driving me to eat. I really hope it works as well for you.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:26 am
by davestarbuck
I too had INTENSE hunger pains..

I gave up eating all processed carbs, including bread,pasta,rice etc. during N days. S days I ate what I wanted. I also started doing some intermittent fasting during N days. I do this randomly. I'll go 16-18 hours without food, and break the fast by eating a large meal. Some weeks 1 day some days 2-3 days.

The results: I have no hunger pains anymore, as my insulin sensitivity has increased, and I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks. Weight loss has tapered off, but I need to get back on track with exercise. I'm aiming for another 20 lbs off by summer...

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:06 am
by Savita
Liquids like milk and fruit juices don't have bulk so may not serve to hold off hunger. I find adding a whole fruit with every meal adds to bulk and keeps me full for a longer time. In spite of this, if I still feel hungry, I drink water. This took some doing but water with a few drops of lemon is very refreshing. As a snack, I sometimes have a fistful of mixed dry fruits (cashew, almond, apricot, raisins). This is tricky since they are high cal foods so must be taken in moderation. Sometimes, I make sure I add a salad to every meal, again, to add to bulk. Whole grains (whole wheat, brown rice, millet, oats) are a better option compared to processed flours.

I can only give you a vegetarian perspective. You might have options regarding meat too.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:21 am
by wosnes
John, davestarbuck might be on to something. You might try giving up all processed foods and see if it helps with the hunger -- and with the IBS as well.