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Hundred Decisions a Day

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:20 pm
by TexArk
I have been purging my files of old diet material that I will never need again because of NoS. I came across my file of motivational quotes and was amazed at how most of them no longer apply. Here is the one that really got my attention:

"Keeping it off is a hundred decisions a day that help me maintain what I achieved. Success comes with adding together hundreds of little ten second choices that we live through one by one."

WOW! No wonder I had so much trouble with maintaining my weight loss. Now I do not have hundreds of decisions a day--my decisions are already made for me: "No snacks No sweets No seconds except on days that start with S

AND SUCCESS is measured by the habitcal. I either followed NoS or I didn't. That's all there is to it. I love it.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:29 pm
by connorcream
Very true post. I am so glad I don't think about points and carbs. Or going to meetings and taking precious evening time away from my family. Or of paying dues or buying food (though I never did that but did think of it from time to time).

I have also noticed my appetite decreasing over time. This shows up in less food on the plate. I have fiugred out what I need to eat to nicely hungry without being ravenous. Nos isn't a burden of measuring and weighing but really eating what I want which also happens to be good for me and less amount than it used to be.

I find this process fascinating.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:56 pm
by reinhard
This reminds me of a discussion from a little while back:

"In Mindless Eating, surveys show we make over 200 food decisions a day"

Mindless Eating is a good book, but this number is part of the problem: that's too many decisions to make well. It's just hopeless. So instead of focusing on making them better, No-s focuses on reducing their number. 3 meals might comprise more than 3 decisions, but I'd say it reduces the total number by an order of magnitude or so. With so many fewer decisions to make, you'll make them better without any further systematic intervention. You CAN actually make good decisions when there are just a handful (or [three]) to be made every day.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:08 pm
by bizzybee
Limiting opportunity is helpful in so many situations. My goodness, I do it with my kids, limit the opportunities to break rules and they feel more successful. When my dog was a puppy, I kept him crated when we weren't at home to limit opportunities for puppy mayhem. And for myself, I limit opportunities to overeat.

If you are asked to make 100 decisions a day chances are a few of them will be the wrong decision. Its the law of probability.

Re: Hundred Decisions a Day

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:13 pm
by Nichole
TexArk wrote:I have been purging my files of old diet material that I will never need again because of NoS. I came across my file of motivational quotes and was amazed at how most of them no longer apply. Here is the one that really got my attention:

"Keeping it off is a hundred decisions a day that help me maintain what I achieved. Success comes with adding together hundreds of little ten second choices that we live through one by one."

WOW! No wonder I had so much trouble with maintaining my weight loss. Now I do not have hundreds of decisions a day--my decisions are already made for me: "No snacks No sweets No seconds except on days that start with S

AND SUCCESS is measured by the habitcal. I either followed NoS or I didn't. That's all there is to it. I love it.
That's a lot of decisions! Jeez.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:51 pm
by TexArk
bizzybee your metaphor of "crating the puppy" is going to stay with me.
That's what I do. Crate the puppy between meals!

and thanks reinhard for the link. I laughed out loud when I read stevecooper's post on how many ways to spend your WW pts.

I can see again that I am in good company!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:25 pm
by Amyliz
I've mentioned it before in postings, but the decision number issue has become a guiding principal in my week. I think of my week as 15 Decisions Total - what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner - 5 days a week.

If I plan any of the meals ahead of time I subtract them. right now i just finished lunch and i know what i'm eating for breakfast tomorrow so it only leaves me 3 decisions to make until saturday!

gotta love it