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Zumba and full-length mirrors

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:02 pm
by mama-g
Its was my "buck stops here" moment.... well, ½ of my buck stops here experience anyway.

It was 3 weeks ago. I went to a Zumba class for the first time- LOVED it!! So fun. However, I had to deal with an hour of looking at my reflection. All I could think was... just when did I become that person I am looking at?! I knew I had gained weight, but I guess I've been avoiding mirrors...

I felt more than a little disgusted with myself.

Then Sunday evening after that Wednesday Zumba, My little girl and I were snuggling, and she innocently asked why my tummy still looked like it did when our baby was in it.

Suffice it to say that I was on the computer looking for ways to lose weight. I didn't have the money to pay for some program, and didn't want to have to count this and that, didn't want to exclude certain foods.... and ahhhh there's No-S! That worked a few years ago.

So I signed on that night, had to create a new screen name because I couldn't remember what I'd used the last time, but its a new beginning anyway.

Week one was good, and week 2 so far had a tough start, but its Thursday,a nd I'm doing okay. Went to Zumba class again last night. Maybe its just that an adjustment has been made in my head. Perhaps just knowing that I am doing something about my weight and my health makes me look better to myself in the mirror.... But last night at Zumba, I didn't look so bad. Yep, still round in all the wrong places, still dimply and not necessarily on my face, but it felt good to move. And I thought perhaps I did look just a bit leaner.

So here's to Zumba and full length mirrors- may my knees be strong enough to keep it up!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:23 am
by belser
Congrats! (and WELCOME BACK!) I have to admit I did not know what Zumba was so I had to hook onto U-Tube to take a look! SO FUN! I'm really impressed with your energy level. I'm sure doing that kind of dancing and getting your 3 meal habits back in place will take care of any little baby tummy in no time. Thank you for sharing your story.

I can relate...I have to admit I went to help my friend pick her bridal dress last weekend and the wall to wall (TO WALL) mirrors would have had me on a diet (any diet at all) if I had not already found the no S. I mean how cruel can you be?? I could see my self from the back almost every where I looked! Sheesh! :shock:

I might have to find a Zumba class near me. Good luck and keep us posted!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:27 pm
by mama-g
Oh Newbie... Zumba is So much fun! I love to dance anyway. The class is given at my girls' dance school. Funny story... the first time we went (hubby's cousin and I) we overhead a couple of little girls talking. " so funny" they said "this is a class for the old people". LOL!!

I guess I'm old people now! But hey... when I was 11 or 12, I pretty much couldn't think beyond 30.... do any numbers even exist after that????
Just told my husband last night... I've always loved birthdays, but I don't think I like the next number. "35". Its as though everything changes for a woman at that number.

Anyway, find a class... perhaps a local Y or dance studio has one.

I suppose you have to be ready to face it too. Back in December I went to TJ Maxx to look for some sweaters. The mediums looked awful, and talk about seeing yourself from every angle!!! I just left the store, because I refused to go up in size. :cry:

Will keep you posted, and let me know if you find a class!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:45 pm
by belser
LOL! Your reply is too adorable! I will be turning the big 4 zero this summer (look I can't even write the number 40!!). I'm determined to be one of those women people look at and go, "You're HOW old?? NO WAY!!" :wink:

My girls are 19 and 21 so I've passed that young stage, where they just didn't even realize there was another stage in life, and we have moved into the happy stage where they look at us and say "Gosh, I should have listened to your advise sooner." HA!

All of that said, I would like to rant for just a second on another topic...

My wonderful hubby said to me this morning "So, how many calories do you think are in that toast and peanut butter?" (which is what I was having for breakfast and fit on a small plate!) I replied "I don't know, but I imagine it's still less then the breakfast plus mid morning snack I was having before no S." To which he replied "Well isn't 500 calories, 500 calories regardless of when you eat it?" Which lead into a much longer discuss about the concepts behind the No S...

Here's my rant --> It's striking to me how many of my friends and loved ones feel the need to criticize (sp?) the No S system. They don't go out and read the site, they don't get the book to understand it further but they do want to debate it's worth with me. What is up with that?? I have lost 7 pounds in almost 3 weeks already but apparently that's not enough for them to consider the system worth while... Has anyone else noticed this need to critique from the people in their lives?

(BTW - I do not mean to sound like I'm speaking badly of my hubby since he is a walking saint and my best friend ever! I'm a lucky girl!)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:49 pm
by Mavilu
I took a yoga class a couple of years ago where there were full length mirrors and lots of lithe and trim people; I stuck out like a sore thumb!.
My problem is that both full length mirror in our home are surprisingly forgiving and, even though I look at myself in the mirror and feel good about the reflection, I do live a bit in the ignorant side, never seeing how I really look.

Belser, I know what is that you are talking about, fortunately, friends and family that do know me from when I was thin, know that this NoS way is the way I used to eat then, but I have encountered criticism from other people, they think I'm nuts, deluded or about to develop an eating disorder.
I think the best approach is to just ignore these situations, "I see what you mean, but I'll stick to this, because I want to".

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:42 pm
by mama-g
I think these days a diet is not legitimate unless you have to pay, eat special foods, or cut out a gazillion others. There's something not right with all of those.
Had a nice chat with my father-in-law the other day, and again, it seemed that people think its the funniest thing that I take weekends off my "diet". How can that be a diet??? :roll:

I think what I like about No-S is that its really about one's relationship with food. My husband and I are such foodies- love eating it, cooking it, sharing it with our friends and loved ones. But somewhere, when the life stuff hit, it became my friend, my comforter, and it totally lost its rightful place in my life. That's what is part of my mission. To put food in its place, so that I am in control of it and not it in control of me. I am a mom of 3 girls 6, 4 and 6 months. I don't want their only memory of me to be that I was always dieting. I sometimes watch myself feeding them, and its fairly balanced. Nothing fanatical. A little chocolate never hurt anyone, but you don't need the whole bar. Lots of fruit and veggies. Not having to eat everything off your plate, but having a little of everything that's there.

Its saturday morning, and I've had snacks... not nearly as out of control as last week, though. We had an anniversary on Thursday, so last night I 'essed', though the whole day friday I stayed on the plan. Went to a great Fondue Restaurant.

Something that no-s did the last time I was on it... did change my sweet tooth somewhat. And already, I find that I can only take so much sugar before it doesn't feel right. I'm rambling now....

Good luck for the days ahead, and have a fabulous weekend! :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:16 pm
by bonnieUK
As someone who did several years of dance training (many years ago now!), the one thing I never got used to was those full length studio mirrors, I developed a few strategies to cope with them though:

* Avoid looking at yourself by watching the teacher & other people instead (tricky I know)

* Avoid being in the front row (helps with the above).

* Try & look at yourself in a positive way, as you would if you were looking at a friend (you wouldn't scrutinize & criticize a friend on his/her appearance so why do it to yourself :)).

* Try to remember that the mirrors are just there so you can correct tecnique & aligmnent when needed.

* Remember that virtually everyone else, regardless of age, size, gender etc. is self conscious too!

* Dress well - classes aren't fashion shows, but if you're wearing your fave sports wear you'll feel much better :)