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Renewed Hunger

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:03 am
by apomerantz
I've been happily on no S for about 4 weeks now, and it has been going great! I love it and am more motivated then ever to stick with it.

However, for the last three days, I've suddenly gotten a LOT hungrier. I don't think I'm doing anything different at all. But I'm just really feeling more hungry, and it is making me nervous because I don't want it to get out of control.

So far, I've stayed true to No S and had no snacks.

I just wonder if anyone else has experienced periods of renewed hunger during their No S journey and whether it intensified or just went away by itself.

I really don't think I'm eating differently . . .

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:08 am
by Mavilu
I always get hungrier with an abrupt change of weather, if it gets much colder all of a sudden and it lasts for days, I'll get hungrier, the same when I get sick, I need my chow then.
When I get very nervous, I lose my hunger for days.

I think we all have periods in which we get hungrier or less hungry for whatever reasons, I mean, not just one occasion of one day, but periods of two or three days in which our hunger levels change drastically.

What I think happens to us is that, when we start eating all the time and we stop experiencing hunger, we also stop knowing how to recognize it, meanwhile, our bodies keep on doing their regulating thing, asking us for more or less food, except that we don't listen or obey any longer, but!, when we do allow ourselves to listen to our bodies by eating regularly and in moderation, we start listening and recognizing all over again, therefore, now that your body is telling you it needs more, you are able to hear it loud and clear.
Just my two cents on that.

What to do about it?, since starting No S (almost a year ago, now!) whenever I'm hungrier, I fill my plate a bit more, that's about it.
Eventually, your body will go back to needing less and you go back to less food on your plate.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:30 am
by apomerantz
Thanks so much for your reply, Mavilu! You know what - - there has been an abrupt weather change here - - from extremely cold to temperate. That's so interesting that you've noticed a link between that and a hunger change (wonder if that's from our caveperson ancestry somehow??).
What I think happens to us is that, when we start eating all the time and we stop experiencing hunger, we also stop knowing how to recognize it, meanwhile, our bodies keep on doing their regulating thing, asking us for more or less food, except that we don't listen or obey any longer
Great observation! I know I'm in this camp (the unable to recognize hunger or differentiate it from appetite). I'm getting better now . . .so it does make sense that I'm more finely attuned to the changes . . .

Well, I'm just going to keep on keeping on - - and telling myself that in all likelihood I'm losing weight during the hungry periods!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:50 am
by wosnes
For as long as I can remember, I've had random days when I'm hungrier than normal. I wake up ready for food (which is extremely unusual for me) and I stay ready for food most of the day. I've never been able to associate this with anything else -- like a change in the weather.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:51 pm
by Thalia
I think fluctuations in hunger are normal and to be expected -- how active you're being, hormonal issues, weather -- they all affect us.

If you're hungrier than usual, I wouldn't try to ignore that cue from your body. I'd plan heartier meals for a few days. Hot stews, lots of legumes, add another piece of fruit to your lunch if there's still room on the plate, etc. Foods with lots of fiber can help satisfy hunger longer, because they take longer to digest and make you feel pleasantly full.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:17 am
by apomerantz
Thanks for the tips, Thalia. I must confess that my plates are pretty full and have lots of fiber (salad, whole grains), but my appetite is just strong right now . . .hopefully it will abate soon. I just ate dinner and wanted seconds really, really badly. I didn't have them, and now I'm starting to feel fuller. It's so funny because I've been doing No S easily for 30 days - - and just this week has been tough.