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Here is my story and what I what my plan is...give advice

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:47 am
by 185-lbs-please
Hello all, a while back I ran into the shovel glove site and in-turn found out about this 'diet'. I've played around with different diets in the past, but because they were just too hard to stick to I never had much success. I also was never that motivated because I was in good health and in great shape my whole life anyway....until recently.....

The last two years I have ate like crap and not been able to play basketball as much due to injuries. All through my 20s I was between 180-195lbs (I'm 6'1 with the wingspan of somebody 6'4). I'm 31 now and weigh 217, and most of the new weight is deposited on my stomach. I want to get down to about 185, so that's 32 lbs I need to lose.

I had McDonald's for dinner last night and today I've been having alot of chest pains. These chest pains have been recurring ever once in a while for the last year. I also have been taking Zantac (heartburn medication) for the last year also. (I had a routine checkup with EKG and blood pressure and they said everything was fine, but I'm going to get full blown heart tests done in a few weeks just to be safe).

I'm pretty sure my eating habits are what's causing the chest pain and heartburn. The pain was enough today to start scaring me. I need to use this fear and turn it into motivation to EAT LESS AND EAT BETTER!!

My usual diet is a bowl of cereal (cold) in the morning, some kind of sandwich for lunch and whatever for dinner (fast food a few times a week) and usually have to have a full feeling before I go to sleep so that makes me eat a pint of ice cream or some pastries.

I've been exercising a few days a week for a couple of months, but because of the bad diet I haven't been losing weight.

I know the key to this is not to get wound too tight and get too strict and then end up gorging in a few days or week once the cravings and old habits become too much to bear. I need to develop a routine that I can stick so that's why I'm here. This 'diet' is the most sensible.

Here is my plan, feel free to give your feedback. (I need to stick to a plan, I'm too lazy to actually go shopping and prepare a bunch of meals, etc)

Meal 1 = Real Rolled Oats (not the instant) with strawberries and blueberries in it (big bowl so I get full or just don't want to eat anymore)

Meal 2 = Big Salad

Meal 3 = Whatever my wife makes for dinner with the idea of sticking to the one plate rule

For exercise I will break it down it into two alternate days.

Day 1 = 1 hour of mountain biking and 1 round through the shovel glove exercises with a 16lb sledge

Day 2 = 5 minutes of stairmaster wearing weighed vest (training for the firefighter test), 20 minutes of stationary bike and 1 round through the shovel glove exercises with 16lb sledge

Re: Here is my story and what I what my plan is...give advic

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:53 am
by Too solid flesh
185-lbs-please wrote:My usual diet is a bowl of cereal (cold) in the morning, some kind of sandwich for lunch and whatever for dinner (fast food a few times a week) and usually have to have a full feeling before I go to sleep so that makes me eat a pint of ice cream or some pastries.
Welcome to NoS! It is a great plan, and the bulletin board is a wonderful resource.

Your usual diet looks pretty near NoS to start with. I think you might have the desired result by eating what you usually eat (with maybe less fast food), but eliminating the late night ice cream or pastries. Or perhaps substituting a piece of fruit, drink of milk or similar as a late night snack.

Given your height and level of activity, you may find that you need to make the lunch salad substantial in order to keep you going until dinner.

Having said this, other contributors will have equally valid and probably contradictory views... one of the joys of NoS!

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing you here.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:15 pm
by apomerantz
Hey there . . . I know you were looking for diet advice, but I am married to a cardiologist, and before you embark on the exercise routine, I think you should consult with a cardiologist (as opposed to an internist).

An EKG doesn't measure whether your arteries are blocked or how much (cause of angina). You probably need an exercise stress test . . .and then the results of that could lead to further testing. Please don't do the shovelglove especially - - that's sort of like snow shoveling which often precipitates heart attacks in older people. I'd also avoid the weighted vest until you have been checked out.

You are very young - - so hopefully this is all nothing. Do you have a family history of heart disease? That would be additional cause for concern.

Obviously, I am NOT a doctor; I just hear the stories. If the pain is scaring you - - that's a real concern.

I wish you all the best on No S; I LOVE it!! I think you'll definitely find it an easily sustainable plan.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:01 pm
by wosnes
If you're having chest pain that scares you, the time to be checked out is NOW, not in a few weeks.

As for the meal plans -- sounds good, just make sure you eat enough at meals to carry you through to the next meal. What you propose sounds great and similar to how I eat, but I'm a smaller, older woman.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:16 pm
by 185-lbs-please
Disregard the chest pain thing.....

I've had a stress done before, etc and everything game back just fine. Also, I've already been doing shovel glove 1-2 times a week for months now and I've been mountain biking a couple months now too. I've always been in 'shape' per se, I've never have gotten grossly out of shape. I have just put on about 22 llbs the last year because I don't play basketball for hours on end anymore because of an injury. I used to be able to eat whatever because I'd be playing high level basketball for about 7 hours a week.

Re: Here is my story and what I what my plan is...give advic

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:25 pm
by winnie96
185-lbs-please wrote:I also have been taking Zantac (heartburn medication) for the last year also.
Everyone is different, of course, but in my Fast Food Forever phase, I developed rather alarming agita in my chest and stomach -- "heartburn" plus some. My doctor also gave me Zantac, which cleared up that problem for the most part, but I can't say I was feeling fantastic as I scarfed down my next Double Bacon Cheese Whopper with fries and onion rings ... and a Diet Coke, of course!

Then, when I started eating more sensibly (mostly nutritious home-cooked meals, way fewer fast- and prepared-food meals), I discovered that I did not need the Zantac at all. So if you do start eating better, it could very well be that your symptoms will subside. (As always, of course, check with your doctor before discontinuing or changing drug dosages).

For me, being able to get off the drug (a) made me realize how unkindly I had been treating my body, and (b) was and continues to be an additional incentive to eat sensibly. Losing weight is one good reason to eat well, but I must say I have found "feeling better" overall is also a great reason!

Best wishes for success with your plan (and I agree: maybe add a little more for lunch).

Re: Here is my story and what I what my plan is...give advic

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:28 pm
by 185-lbs-please
winnie, I totally agree. I've been wanting to lose weight for a while now, but since I'm only a little over weight I wasn't extremely motivated. The reason I'm motivated now is for my health.

I know for fact that eating better and drinking more water I can leave the Zantac alone.

Just had some real oatmeal and an apple. Time to go mountain biking!!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:31 pm
by apomerantz
So glad to hear you are confident the chest pain isn't angina!

Then onward and upward with No S :). I'm sure as a guy you'll lose a lot of weight really quickly - - which will be motivating. Look forward to watching your progress!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:30 am
by Jaxhil
I think your plan sounds very reasonable. I can relate to the problem with fast food that you mentioned! It always gives me pains too, but in my stomach and digestive system. I have tried in the past to give it up entirely, but found I could not~it of course only made me crave it more! Lately, however, I have changed tactics. I have decided to make better choices when I go out to eat, even fast food. I have made the choice not to eat any french fries, or chicken strips; basically anything fried. So far, this is making me feel *much* better~although I must admit, a certain fast food place makes me sick every time, no matter what I choose. Its becoming easier and easier to resist altogether, now that I can truly see exactly how bad it really makes me feel!

Eating at home will no doubt make you feel much better, as will increasing your exercise (I've also recently done that as well, and it really is making a difference!). I agree that your lunch menu plan may be a little too light, considering your level of exercise, but maybe not.

Anyway, good luck, and I'm glad to hear you're well and the pain isn't heart trouble!