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What do you think?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:18 am
by mondurvic
As a relative newbie, I've spent a lot of time reading old posts, and have noticed that people sometimes post for a week or two, full of enthusiasm, and then drop out of sight. I always wonder what happened to them.

I think we can assume they're no longer Nossing, but I'd like to know WHY? Did they have more trouble with S days or with No-S days? Does weight/size/sex/age have anything to do with who stays on it and who doesn't?

If personal interest was shown and a hand extended, might they come back? Should someone write and ask them how they're doing?


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:27 am
by carolejo
I also often wondered what became of these people, but am pretty sure that it wouldn't be the right thing to 'cyber stalk' folk to try and track them down and find out what happened.

I always put it down to one of life's little mysteries. Maybe some of them will return - I think there are a few people like this who did return already. Then again, showing up is not everyone's strong suit. I've posted on that topic before but have to say again that I really believe just 'showing up' is one of the hardest things ever to do in life! It's also true that there's very little you can do to help a person who doesn't want to help themselves. Perhaps it's a little harsh, but it's what I think anyhow.


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:17 pm
by peetie
I think that a lot of people may just have gone on with their lives now that they conquered their dieting and weight issues. I know I was posting quite a lot a first in all my enthusiasm, but have pretty much said most of what I had to say. I still read, and if there is something I feel I could add a reasonably lucid comment to, I do, but I can understand people "getting it" and then just going on and living their lives.

This isn't like WW where you have to keep going to meetings and comparing points!


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:57 pm
by carolejo
Good point! Some of us need more random contact to keep going than others :lol:


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:56 am
by reinhard
If the no-s diet is twice as effective as other diets, most people will still fail. If it's five times as effective, most people will still fail. And unlike other systems, which start out easy and then become insufferable, the hard part with no-s is up front. I wish it weren't so, but that probably explains most of the disappearances. It's inevitable, even if this were by far the greatest thing ever invented.

That being said, the idea isn't that you continue to post here daily for the rest of your life. If you want to, wonderful, but for most of us, keeping track, even of something as relatively unobtrusive as days on habit, is a burden. Until the habit is strong, 3 successful weeks or so, it might be necessary or helpful burden, but after that, you have my blessing to be somewhat scanter of your presence.

Those of you who fit this description: please do drop in every now and then, even if it's just every few months or so. It's a great encouragement to doubting newbies, and even though it might not seem that way, long term maintenance is exciting news. With every passing month, year, decade: "still with it" should be shouted from a higher and higher rooftop. You don't have to fish up your old daily check-in, feel free to post here in the main forum.


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:28 pm
by peetie
You are way too humble!!! Sure, ANY plan has a failure rate, people being as they are, but the whole reason WW, and other successful groups, have flourished is that they have repeat business. And people have to keep coming back and doing it all over. And over. And over.

I bet there's a group of former NoS'ers who got the whole process down, succeeded and just went back to living their lives.

I agree wholeheartedly that it would be wonderful if you success stories out there would pop in and inspire we less seasoned veterans here.


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:18 am
by snazzybabe
Maybe some people quit because they don't see any weight loss results. Some might find it hard to be patient and want a quick loss.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:22 pm
by Azathoth
Just a few comments along these lines...

I think that all the various points mentioned so far probably account for different portions of these lost souls. It is likely that some people have given up because the difficulty in adjusting to No-S is up front, not far down the line. It is this initial lifestyle re-training that may have some people abandoning the cause (and if this is the case, that's really too bad).

I also think there is probably a group of people similar to where I see myself heading. The lifestyle change has been smooth, the success has been apparent and I find that I do not need to keep track of what I do everyday in my daily diary post because I'm used to the "diet" (lifestyle is more accurate) and it presents me with almost exclusive success. I will probably over time drift away from the forums more but I will do my best to return as frequently as I can to post how things have been going and insert my two cents here and there regarding various issues (as I'm prone to do).
Some might find it hard to be patient and want a quick loss.
I think it is precisely this type of thinking which has so sadly consumed many of us out there. Everyone expects in this day and age that they should be able to immediately fix whatever problem they are having. In a world (which we have created, I'm not pointing any fingers) where we are prescribed pills to "instantly" treat our problems by doctors, can purchse, consume, and be finished with an entire meal of fast food in less than 10 minutes, can call a 24-hour customer service number for almost any product we own or use for immediate assistance, have access to the internet for instant informational access, and can accomplish infinitely other previously time consuming activities almost instantly we have begun to train ourselves that we must have instant gratification, and we find ourselves dissapointed and prone to giving up when we cannot receive this.

Whatever the reasons for those that leave, if you happen to notice my posts waning, fear not, No-S has become a lifestyle that I enjoy and I will be sticking with it.