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LOL, Negative book review on the Amazon page

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:37 pm
by CriticalMass
I did it for a week and didn't lose any weight and it was hard.

I can't imagine a sentence that more precisely illustrates what is wrong with American diet culture.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:06 pm
by reinhard
Oh, well, I guess it was bound to get panned at some point.

At least it was for all the wrong reasons :-)

It's almost a backhanded complement.

But alas, I'm not sure if the casual reader is going to pick up on that. So if someone here who loved the book has been waiting for just the right moment to post their review, now might qualify! It would be nice to knock this one out of such conspicuous view.


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:36 pm
by CriticalMass
You know, if that had been posted in a forum, I would assume that it was a troll.

Are you sure that's not you Reinhard?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:27 pm
by apomerantz
I can't remember if I reviewed it on Amazon or not - - I will check, and if not, I will. I know I reviewed it on Shelfari.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:03 pm
by Thalia
I reviewed it on GoodReads.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:43 am
by winnie96
Critical Mass -- what do you mean by "troll"?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:46 am
by gratefuldeb67
Ah don't worry Reinhard.. Yes it was for *all* the wrong reasons, and I agree with Critical Mass, that it totally encapsulates all the things wrong with how society at large approaches diet..
Anyway, really don't lose any sleep over that.
That review just makes that person sound impatient, uncommitted and negative, and a little stupid.. LOL
(erm hope they aren't lurking on this thread! :lol: )
Have a good weekend.
8) Debs

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:40 am
by maslowjenkins
a troll is someone who makes fictitious posts on bulletin boards (usually under a screenname devised for just such a purpose) just to stir up trouble.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:43 pm
by winnie96
maslowjenkins wrote:a troll is someone who makes fictitious posts on bulletin boards (usually under a screenname devised for just such a purpose) just to stir up trouble.
Sometimes I do feel a bit behind the times. Plus this is really the only board I participate in, and everyone is always so helpful and nice that the concept of "troll" never occurred to me. Thanks for the info!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:30 pm
by Mavilu
The negative reviews for the book at Amazon are just ridiculous, there's one guy that firmly states that it's either count every calorie every moment or go bust, there's the guy that acuses everyone that reviewed the book of being a fake and now this choice person, oi...
I reviewed already, but maybe I could do a follow up review.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:02 am
by cowfishpro
Hello all,

This is my first time posting, and I just had to reply. I was amazed at those neutral and negative comments. That woman who didn't lose weight in one week and found it hard was incredible. I wonder how difficult she finds a real diet. (I don't consider NoS a real diet, just good sense!)

BTW, I wondered if NoS would actually work for me. I've tried it before (a few times) and was always hungry. I think this time, I've finally found balance. Anyway, I was about 5 lbs from goal weight (most people consider me thin already), pretty good about my portion sizes, and didn't really eat a lot of junk, and I workout about an hour 6 days a week (have done so for years). I really just wanted to take off a couple of holiday pounds that just weren't coming off.

To my suprise, after 2 weeks, my clothes are looser and the scale says I'm down four lbs! This is making me wonder what my naturally thin weight is. :o Anyway, this just proves that even people who are already doing a lot of things right, fitness wise, can benefit from NoS. Who knew that eating even healthy snacks could keep someone's weight unnaturally elevated.

I bought Rheinhardt's book for further motvation (and to give his site support). I think I will really stick with this for life, now that I've learned my body is actually thinner than I realized. Too bad the poor lady with the bad review didn't give NoS a real chance.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:25 pm
by reinhard
No, I don't troll :-) I'm happier with unrealistically good reviews as long as I know they're real.

I'm very grateful that the overwhelming majority of the reviews have been very positive. There have been just three negative ones (vs. 43 extremely positive ones): one by a person who more or less admits not having read the book but was just annoyed that the other reviews were so good, another from someone who criticized the system for not doing something it was never intended to do (rapid weight loss, in a mere week) and the last who doesn't seem to understand the distinction between "calories counting" and "counting calories." With "enemies" like this, who needs friends. :-) The the insubstantiality of these few negative criticisms may be as much of a complement to the book as the substantive praise.

I'm flattered by your sympathy/outrage, but please don't worry about me feeling bad about these few outliers. And I really don't want to guilt anyone into posting a review -- unless they haven't already and are burning with desire to. And it looks like someone has already (thank you Janet, if you're a board reader!) so really no need to worry.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:15 pm
by caroleann
I guess people don't understand the concept of habit changing. My life has changed because of no-sing. I'll be sure to give it a good report on Amazon. :D

Oh, by the way, I am passing the information along at work and I have quite a few people that have grasped and are using the concept. I will be sharing the book with the interested.

Thanks, Reinhard, for helping me make these changes in my life!


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:33 pm
by Nichole
caroleann wrote: Oh, by the way, I am passing the information along at work and I have quite a few people that have grasped and are using the concept. I will be sharing the book with the interested.
lol, same here. When I told my mother-in-law about this, a long time ago, she said, and I quote "oh I would NEVER be able to do that because there are constantly snacks and sweets at work." LoL.