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Water, Water, Everywhere

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:03 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Sometimes when I don't get enough water I get what I call "dehydration headaches." So I try to be vigilant about maintaining hydration. Fortunately I love water.

The office where I work is a little chill most days, but I don't really like coffee, hot cocoa is a sweet, and I'm too lazy for tea (or perhaps it's a too-much-trouble for not-enough-result issue). So I get some strange looks when I take some hot water from the coffee station and cut it with cold water to get a nice warm temperature.

I had some problems where I would fill my mug/thermos thingie, return to my desk, almost immediately finish it, but then be too busy to go refill it. So now I get more strange looks when I fill my container, chug it down, and refill it to take it back to my desk. I started doing this in the morning, but I am doing it in the afternoon (after lunch) sometimes too now.

Before bed I try to chug some for those long hours between hydration. (But not too much or I wake up. :oops: )

At restaurants I am constantly outpacing the waiter/waitress. I even have a phrase to utter when stealing my spouse's glass - "Engaging auxiliary water!" Occasionally my poor spouse mutters darkly about diseases that make you thirsty. :lol:

It's actually weekends where water is turning out to be a problem - I don't have ready and constant access to a source and a container.

Anybody have any good ideas for weekend water consumption?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:14 pm
by bluebunny27
Do you drink enough water ?? How much water do you need daily ??

Check out this site for the answer : ... ulator.htm

Marc ;-)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:30 pm
by kccc
Something I have just started is to fill my big coffee mug with water at night and take it back to the bedroom with me. In the morning, I chug it down before I start on coffee. (It's also nice if I wake up thirsty at night - not too cold, which would wake me too much.)

At work, I have a small coffeemaker that I use for hot tea. I drop the teabag in the carafe, and it stays warm on the burner. I go through several pots of herbal tea a day.

At home, I have the same problem you do of reminding myself to drink enough. A BIG mug that I can fill and carry helps me track if I'm getting enough.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:51 am
by Savita
I would suggest buying a 1 litre bottle and filling it in the morning. Drink from it on the hour and every waking hour so you get an idea of how much your cosumption is. Remember to fill the bottle when you've emptied it. This method works very well in hot climate and has played a big role in solving my water intake problem. I live in India where temperatures are very high and getting headaches and feeling weak due to dehydration is quite common.

Let me know if this works for you. :D


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:10 pm
by Nichole
I also don't get enough water during the weekends. It's because I'm not sitting at my desk all day. I keep forgetting to work on it!

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:13 pm
by Finnigan
Every time I hit the break room at work for a cup of coffee or tea, I try to remember to have a cup of water while I'm there.