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Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:10 pm
by rugbyfat
Good Day, New to the No S Diet, not to the Diet world. I have tried the Atkins, Starvation, South Beach, etc.... to no avail. I finally got the idea that these never worked when a family member made an Atkins pizza, where the crust is hamburger! so imagine lettuce and tomatoes and cheese all swimming in the unstrained grease from the meat!!! I was sold on no more fad diets!
I am roughly 6' tall and weigh between 220 and 230 on any given day. Most call me a large frame, certainly on paper I am OBESE! I am a Rugby player, MMA fighter (and a few other full contact sports) that has finally hung up the cleats and gloves and called it. Alot due to family (kids) and time, the joint pain and reoccuring aches certainly plays a large part as well!
I am interested in doing things on a more natural style, much like Parkour and Movnat (Erwan LeCorre approach to natural training). Along these lines I am hoping to restructure my diet into more of an "Old School" style. Thats when I found this group. I think this will benifit me alot. I tend to binge for no good reason and eat far too late at night, again for no good reason. I tend to take weight of and put it right back on again in a single week by doing this. The craving and mode at which i eat will be the biggest challenge for me. I look forward to changing myself and seeing some good results. I hope to buy the book this wek and start as soon as i can!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:36 pm
by CriticalMass
Parkour and Movnat (Erwan LeCorre
Have no idea who those people are, but welcome. If you like old school you are in the right place. I think the shovelglove is pretty old school, you should do it too if your joints will handle it.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:56 am
by gratefuldeb67
Welcome Robert :)
I'll have an Atkins Pizza on a roll :wink:
I'm sure you will enjoy and be successful on NoS!
Prepare yourself for slow but sustainable life changes.
Good luck!
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:07 pm
by rugbyfat
Thanks, I am looking for changes that’s for sure. I have spent too much time eating and drinking!
Movnat (Erwan's YouTube video shows it all) is a newer form of Methode Naturelle, devised by a French Naval officer. it encompasses everyday skills. As much as it is touted that gym memberships are a waste of time and money, so is buying that $4000 gym apparatus to sit in the basement, doing its job as a clothes line. The idea behind Methode Naturelle is that that bulging gym body may win an award for best pec! but will it help you get out of a burning building, save a human life, allow you to run 5 miles let alone a 1/2 mile. the basic skills our ancestors had and used. Reinhard talks of the coal miners and their flat abs, why spend $36 a month for a gym let alone $1000's on equipment when I can pick up a rock and do squats, or climb a tree for monkey pulls and etc... No S Diet incorporates allot of that thinking, coal miners couldn’t reach inside their coats for a Power Bar, or a little Debbie! But it was a treat to sit in a group and have communal lunch and arrive home to the wife and kids for that sit down dinner. there is an awesome article in this months Mens Health magazine.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:49 pm
by woods38
I am new to the no s diet also but not to dieting. I have done plenty of those! None of them have really worked for me. I am into week 3 of this and it is going very well. I have lost weight both weeks.
I also workout at home. I am too cheap to go to the gym, who needs it?! Keep working out however you enjoy and good luck with the no s diet.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:47 pm
by VintageGeek
I've been wanting to try parkour forever, but I've never heard of Movnat. I'll have to look into it.

Sounds like you're doing good. Keep it up!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:24 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, rugbyfat!

Thanks for introducing us (or me at least) to the term "movenat."

I guess you can think of shovelglove and urban ranger as (proudly!) low production values versions of "movenat." :-)


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:42 pm
by rugbyfat
I agree, Movnat is like an outdoor version of the Shovelglove. Being in Wisconsin, it is very difficult to stay indoors for close to 4 to 5 months of the year so the minute it is 40 to 50* outside i am out there. I appreciate the good words, enjoying my third day of success, good Podcasts too, thanks for everything.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:53 am
by TigerCrane
Welcome Rugbyfat!

I do Wushu. I have much respect for Parkour and MMA! (I know a few traceurs) Nice to see another martial artist on here.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:40 am
by rugbyfat
Tierceane, appreciate it, I am by no means a traceur, but I do a little. It's great for the kids, specialy when you fall out of trees they love it!