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Fine Dining at the Office

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:09 pm
by Thalia
I've been trying to brown-bag more and grab lunch out less, and that meant no plate to eat my "plate of food" from, just a depressing little array of Tupperware.

I went to a thrift store today and found a very elegant china plate for a couple of bucks, the last unbroken relic of someone's wedding china probably, and now that's my office lunch plate. I'm hoping that will make lunch seem more special and less something to be shoveled while Web surfing!

I thought this idea might be useful to someone else as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:17 pm
by wosnes
Viana La Place suggests doing that in La Bella Cucina. Also, real silverware and a cloth napkin.

The book is one of my favorites on Italian cooking and eating because it goes beyond the food into the habits and routines.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:23 pm
by Nichole
You are definitely onto something with this. I've been considering bringing in a real plate from home to work. It even suggests on the back of Lean Cuisines to put your meals on a plate, even at the office, because it can make meal time a lot more enjoyable.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:52 pm
by wosnes
I think when you eat on dinnerware with real silverware instead of out of a plastic (or other) container with plastic utensils it becomes a meal rather than just "food." Beyond that, it's better for the environment!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:42 pm
by apomerantz
My mother in law is always asking me "why don't you just use paper plates?" whenever I serve a nice meal, and she sees the pile of dishes.

And the reason why is exactly what you allude to here - - everything is just much more nice and satisfying and appetizing when it appears on a proper plate!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:42 am
by TigerCrane
That's a lovely idea!

Another nice way to brown bag is BENTO BOXES! Lots of fun!